Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Free

It has been months since Loki escape. Queen Helen divorce Loki. Prince Nicholas was scared to comfort Queen Helen. Eric and Jenny were getting married soon. Queen Helen was upset. Prince Nicholas came to visit. "I know you cannot stand me, but I am hoping we can be friends," Prince Nicholas pleaded. "I would like that," Queen Helen replied. Prince Nicholas was happy that Queen Helen agree to be friends. Eric went back to New York. Eric loves his job and his new home, but he did make plans to move back to England.

Months later, Eric moves back to England with his family. Eric got a big house for his family. The house was next to a boarding school. Jenny got her wedding dress. Prince Nicholas and Daniel were going to be Eric's best men at the wedding. Prince Nicholas and Eric became good friends. Eric heard that Prince Nicholas and Queen Helen became really close. Eric was happy for them. Eric's sister Molly was dating Prince Nicholas' brother Prince Jason. Rose was happy for her children.

Eric made a lot of new friends. One of the new friends Eric made was Henry Carrisford. Henry was a very wealthy man. Henry was not married and he did not have any children. Henry was coming to Eric's wedding. Henry was also Eric's client. Eric was very successful. Eric might have some hard challenges, but he was able to overcome them. Eric was happy and he had no regrets. Molly gave Jenny a wedding shower. Jenny was not feeling well. Eric was worried. The next day they took Jenny to a doctor. The doctor told Jenny she was pregnant. The whole family was happy. Sabrina was happy for Jenny.

The next day Jenny and Eric got married. Jenny was free and she was not a genie anymore. True love broke the curse. Jenny was happy and she could not wait until her son was born. Sabrina and Molly were her bridesmaids. Queen Helen was Prince Nicholas' date. Queen Helen and Jenny became good friends. No one has heard from Loki since he escapes. Emily and Ryan were at the wedding. They told Eric and Jenny they were invited to their wedding.

Months later, Jenny has the baby. They had a son. They named their son Nicholas. Prince Nicholas was honor to have the baby named after him. Eric and Jenny are going to take a second honeymoon as soon as Jenny recovers from the birth. Queen Helen and Prince Nicholas were engaged to be married. Molly was engaged to Prince Jason. Daniel was dating Prince Nicholas' sister. King Edward's kids finally accept Eric as their brother. Eric was glad that his father and his family were in his life. Eric wanted his son to have a big family.

Loki was angry that his plans did not work. Loki was at the mall when he saw a beautiful red hair woman. She was looking around. Loki was in love. Loki walks up to the woman. "My name is Loki. What is your name?" Loki asks. "Why don't you get lost, loser!" The woman replied angrily. "You better watch how you speak to me!" You are going to be the mother of my children," Loki replied. "In your dream, weirdo!" The woman replied angrily and she storms off.

Emily Ross went home. Emily could not believe that weirdo was making a pass at her. Emily wishes she would have slapped him, but she was afraid this guy might be a killer. Emily hopes she never sees this guy again.

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