Eleven Days Remaining

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I awoke with a jerk. Nearby, a clock ticked tauntingly. Tick, tick, tick... My heart beat furiously in my chest. Slowly, I drew into a sitting position. The time read 5 A.M.

Nightmare, I thought drearily, rubbing my eyes. It was all so fast- blazing lights, instant pain. The worse part; however, was the voice.

Hinata. His cry had sounded so heartbroken. So sad. I wondered, for a moment, if I had seen the future. My hands clenched the blanket immediately. No. He'll get it. He has to guess it.

Eleven Days Remaining.

The depressing notion made my head drop to my knees. Now that I think about it... my eyes narrowed. Hinata hasn't even tried to guess the object yet. The only thing he's done... is get close to me.

My mind began to spiral. Why would he do that? Does he want to lose the object? Does he want to be cursed? Should I curse him? Does he want to lose?

A debilitating pounding began to assault my head. THUMP, THUMP, THUMP... My hands scrambled for purchase on either side of my face, clutching it desperately. Why why whywhywhy-

Click. I jolted at the sound. Nearby, the gym lights clicked on. My legs shook uneasily as I clambered onto two feet. Who would be here at this hour..?

"Raven!" Hinata cheered, holding up a plastic bag.

No. I lurched backwards away from him, slamming the closet door. No no no. My hands raked furiously through my hair. The door lay pinned behind my back, a meek source of protection.

You can't let this continue. I can't let him get hurt. He can't... Pain ricocheted through my body. My heart have a pitiful beat in my chest, seeming to slow considerably. I have to stop him.

A timid knock rang through the closet. My eyes snapped to the other door. Heavy breathing rang through the air. I'm not his friend. I'm not his ally. I'm a Lost.

I threw the door open. Hinata jumped back in surprise, scrambling to be sure the bag was okay. My hands were folded securely in the pocket of my hoodie. Blood seeped from the crescents of my palm. Slowly, my gaze dropped from him to the ground.

"Get out of here, Hinata."

My voice came out bone-chillingly cold. Around me, the temperature seemed to plummet. I'm no good. It's for your own safety.

"Wha...?" Hinata slowly came closer, holding the bag affront him like a gift. "...Raven?"

"I SAID GET OUT!" I snapped. My hand flew from the pocket, sending the bag soaring. It crumpled against the gym wall.

"Just leave me alone Hinata. I don't want... I don't want to be near you anymore," I hissed, turning to hide the tears stinging my eyes.

Please just go. Just leave. Get away from me.

Hinata released a shaky exhale. "What's gotten into you?!" He screeched back, hands clenched.

"You wouldn't understand," I said, voice gravelly.

"Just go," I snapped, twisting to head back to the closet. "Unless you're here to guess... then I don't want to see your face."

I could feel his eyes bearing down on me as I left. They stung holes in my back, making every hair stand erect. My sleeve came up to wipe the excess tears from my gaze.

Only once the closet door closed did I crumple. My legs have way beneath me, and all I could do was fold into a ball. Sobs racked my lungs. Eventually, a blur overtook my vision.

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