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500 reads omg.... that's crazy! To me at least ahaha
Thank y'all so much!

Harry couldn't tell you when he fell asleep, all he remembered is answering a text to his sister. His neck ached from resting his head on the hard desk scattered with papers from the last 10 hours. Thankfully he remember to set his alarm in the midst of his all nighter. The time reading 12:00 on the clock to his left. He pushed his to do list to the back of his mind and got ready to head to her house.

Harry: Hey, I'm here
Carter: ok we'll be right out. Calista's taking forever.

Harry turned off his phone staring at the trees in front of him getting lost in thought. He tore his eyes away hearing the house door close and Carter's voice.

"Hey Harry."

"Hi, how are you?" Carter smiled.

"Better now that you're here."

"Watch it Harry, my sisters here." Harry smiled and turned to Calista in the back seat.

"Hi, how are you Calista?"

"I'm good. Where are we going?"

"That's up to you guys, I'm just the driver."

"Can we swing by the store? I have to pick up some things."

"Sure. To the store we go."

"So Harry, how was your meeting?"

"Oh that. Well it was boring as usually, but they said the storm might be clearing up so we can get back on the road."

Carter's smile faded for a second before returning "Oh, that's exciting. Are you excited?"

"Yeah, I love preforming and traveling the world. Carter just nodded. The conversation fell to a comfortable silence as they drove to the store. They all made their way into the store grabbing what they need.

"Where to now?"

"Frozen yogurt, we could go to the new one that just opened."

"Let's go." Harry started the car and we were on our way. The fresh smell of waffle cones and yoghurt toppings circled around my nose.

"Calista, you don't need that much frozen yogurt!"

"Yes I do."


"You heard the lady! She needs it Carter." Harry chimed in.

"Fine, but if you have a sugar crash don't be all pissy at me."

"Deal." Calista agreed while holding down frozen yogurt handle. Carter took a four seater waiting for Harry and Calista.

"What'd you get Calista?"

"Cake batter with Oreos, cheesecake bites, and whipped cream. How about you?"

"Coconut. How about you Harry?"


"Vanilla? How boring."

"Hey hey watch it. Vanilla is a good classic flavor. You wouldn't have chocolate or cake batter or whatever else without vanilla thank you very much."
They all finished and decided to walk the store fronts

"So Carter, see anything that catches your eye?" Harry asked.

"That ring back there is kinda cute. I don't know, I need to stop buying rings" Carter laughed. "I gotta go find a bathroom real quick. I'll be right back."
As Carter walked away Harry went and stood next to Calista who was looking at a pair of shoes.

"So, Calista. What are you looking at?"

"Uh, just that pair of shoes." Calista smiled while pointing at the shinny pair of sneakers.

"Those are nice. Would you wanna go in and try them on?"

"I don't want to bore you to death."

"No no, it's fine. Go try them on."

"Ok." Calista smiled going into the store having Harry follow her.

"Welcome, how may I help you?" The salesclerk asked.

"Hello, I was wondering if I could try on those sneakers in the window."

"Of course! Shoe size?"

"6 1/2"

"Ok sounds good. Give me a minute to go find them in the back."

"So Calista, random question; when's Carter's birthday?"

"It's august 5th. Why?"

"I'm just wondering." Calista looked at him questionably but turned her attention to the sales clerk with her shoes.

"Here you go, we also had them in black" Carter came wandering back in surprised to see them trying on shoes.

"What's going on here?"

"We're shoe shopping duh Carter," Harry joked. "So which ones do you like?"

"I think the white ones are more my style. I'll talk to mom and we can come back."

"Nonsense, I can get them." Harry offered.

"No we can't let you do that Harry."

"Sure you can. I got this."

"Harry I'm serious."

"And I am too peaches." Harry whispered.

"Can I pay you back at least?"



"Carter, look at me," Harry rested his hand on the side of her neck while tilting his head to the side. "It's not going to kill me." Harry gave his card to the cashier before Carter could say anything again. Carter just rolled her eyes and turned to Calista.

"Thank you Harry."

"Of course."

"You didn't have to do that"

"What did I say?" Harry scolded.

They spent a couple of more hours out until it got dark.

"I think we should teach Harry how to skateboard." Calista laughed.

"Yeah, if you wanna see me fall on my ass near oncoming traffic."

"We wouldn't send you off on the bike path Harry. We're not that mean."

"Sure sure. Don't think I don't know a lie when I hear one."

"We're not lying I swear!" Carter laughed

We finished our night by grabbing some food and heading home.

"Thank you so much Harry."

"Of course. I'll text you later Carter."

"You always do."

"Bye Calista."

"Bye." We made our way back inside our house waving Harry one last goodbye before we shut the door and he drove off.

I suck at updating!!! Ahhh but here ya go...
don't forget to vote! Thx

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