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I woke up to someone staring at me

"AH. Calista what are you doing?!"

I woke up to a very close up, fully dressed Calista staring down at me.

"Sorry, but you need to get up. It's already 12 and I NEED to see Harry'.'

"Ok fine. Get out I need to change."

I put in my cargo pants and a cropped tank top.

I popped my head into Calistas room "Hey, you ready?" I asked.


Calista practically ran to the car. I still don't get why he's such a big deal.

"You keep tabs on him. Where is he? I don't wanna walk around town all day hunting down a 26-year-old man."

"From other fans' posts, he's at the bakery."

I nodded and found a parking space and we hopped out to walk, well run in Calista's case to the bakery.

"OMG Carter, it's him. I'm actually like 10 feet away from THE Harry Styles."

I just stared at her. I am certain I saw a couple of tears in her eyes.

"Well, are you gonna go up to him? I didn't drive down here so you could stare at him. You can do that online."

"Ho- how do I approach him."

"Just walk up and ask for a picture"

"Ok, deep breaths Calista" She mumbled to herself and slowly walked to him.

"Omg, hi... I- I-I-" Calista choked on her words.

"Hey, Harry. My sister was wondering if she could get a picture with you."

He laughed. "Of course. Come here, sweetheart"

Calista's eyes practically feel out when he said sweetheart. I took a couple of pictures of them before putting my phone away.

"Thanks, Harry."

"No problem Peac- Carter."

I just smiled.

"Carter I'm hungry. Let's go get something"

Just as I was about to say something to Harry my phone went off. It was a text from Calista saying "You should invite Harry 😉"
I turned to her mouthing he's probably busy. She pleaded so like a minute while Harry was taking pictures with other people.


"Harry," He looked up at me. "This might be way too bold. But would you wanna go get some food with my sister and I? We could show you around town."

"Sure. That would be lovely."

We waited outside for Harry to say goodbye to his fans and we were on our way. We all agreed on pizza.

We piled into a booth with our fresh pizza, me and Harry by next to each other and Calista across from us.

"So Harry," My sister sat up. "How long are you in town?"

"I am not sure. No news on the storm getting better so who knows"

"Wheres the rest of the band?"

"Well, Mitch feels ill, Niall is doing who knows what, and the rest are all probably in the hotel rooms relaxing."


"Calista, chill with the questions."

"It's ok peaches" My eyes went wide.

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