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I would like to say Carter is 21.
She's home from college cause it's summer. Ok


Times like this I really wish the internet didn't exist. I wouldn't be involved with a famous singer that my sister loved if the internet didn't exist. I wouldn't be looking at a furious Calista standing on the couch staring down at me like I just killed her hamster if the internet didn't exist. I would be eating ice cream while reading a book crying over a meaningless summer fling as usual. This was not the plan.

"Get down from the couch. You know mom doesn't like feet on the furniture."

"Like she wouldn't like her daughter sneaking around with a guy?"

"I'm 21 Calista, I'm not 14"

"So? You know you're not supposed to keep secrets."

"It's not like I'm doing anything bad. You should
know out of anyone, Harry's not a bad influence."

Calista got down from the couch. "I know. Just why didn't you tell me?"

"You never asked."

"Really? Why would I just ask you if you're hanging out with Harry Styles by chance?"

"I don't know, you ask the most crazy ass questions.
It wouldn't surprise me if it came out of your mouth."

We stood in silence for while not knowing what to say. "When are you guys hanging out again?" Calista whispered.

"I don't know. We didn't really get to discuss that, I was in a rush back here. Why?"

"Can I come along?"

"I'll check with Harry."

"Ok" Calista said and walked up to her room.

I say on the couch and opened my phone to text Harry.

Carter: Hey, sorry I had to leave so soon

Harry: It's ok, my sister would probably react the same way if she knew I was secretly hanging out with her idol

Carter: Hahah, I don't know exactly how she feels right now about it. But when are u free to hang out again?

Harry:  I have a meeting tomorrow, but the next day I'm good

Carter: Sweet. Sorry this is kinda weird but I was wondering if Calista could come along. She's not liking being alone all day.

I wasn't lying, more of making it sound less weird.

Harry: Yeah that's fine

Carter: Thanks. I gotta go. Talk later. 

Harry: see ya Hx.

\\Next day//

—Harry's POV—


"You know Mitch, I would never wake you up like this." 

"Well I know how to set an alarm. Get up we gotta get going"

I took off the covers and rubbed my eyes taking a deep breath. It's way too early to deal with management bullshit. I threw on a tee shirt and some shorts. A shitty outfit for a shitty meeting.

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