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"I'm so sorry Calista. That took longer than I thought it would."

"It's fine. I thought you got kidnapped for a hot sec. So, did you see anyone? Was the band still packing up? DID YOU RUN INTO HARRY" She asked.

"No. security just helped me." That wasn't a whole lie. I'll tell her later, I'm too tired to deal with all the questions. By the time we got home it was, 1 am and Calista was passed out.

"Hey, wake up sleepy head. We're here." Calista groaned and got out of the car.

"Thank you for taking me. It was so fun. Love you, night." Calista yawned on her way upstairs. I smiled and make my way to the kitchen.

"Mom, what are you doing up this late?"

"Oh just finishing up some emails. How was the show?"

"Uh it was pretty good actually"

"I'm glad, or I would have to give you these 30 dollar gift cards to the cafe in town as an apology" She laughed.

"What, I want those!"

"I knew you would. Here, as a thank you" she smiled tiredly.

"Now go get some rest hun."

"I know mom. You should too though"

"Oh I will hun"

I smiled and began my way upstairs. Harry styles were trending all over Twitter and Instagram. I talked to Marit for 30 minutes about the concert then turned off my phone and headed to bed.

(Next day)

The light shined through my sheer curtains straight into my face. I turned to the clock once again.

"11 am, that's great." I sighed.

I got out of my warm bed and slipped on a sweatshirt and went downstairs where my mom and sister were.

"Hey, hun. I'm giving Calista a ride to town, do you need anything?"

"No, can I run down to the cafe though?"

"Sure. Just be safe. Calista are you ready?"

"Yes" Calista yelled from upstairs.

"Ok, looks like we're heading out. Be safe."

I watched them exit the house and went to get dressed. I slipped on a summer dress and my Air Force 1s. Grabbed the gift card and walked to the cafe. The scent of fresh coffee and pastries hit me as I opened the door. It wasn't too busy. Just the workers, an elderly couple, and 2 people working on laptops.

"Hi, uh can I get an iced vanilla coffee with coconut milk."

"Of course. Is that all? And for here?'' I nodded.



"Ok Carter we will have that right out to you" She smiled.

I went and found a two-seater and took out my phone. Just as my name was called the bell went off. My head snaps to the door. Is that Harry? I thought to myself. As soon as he took off his glasses it was confirmed. We locked eyes for a couple of seconds before the barista pulled me out of my trance by calling my name. I walked over and grabbed my drink and walked back to my seat. I see someone's shadow appear in front of me. I looked up to see Harry smirking down at me.

"Can I help you?"

"Weren't you the girl yesterday that lost her phone?" Wow straight to the point.

"Names Carter but uh yes. I don't know why that concerns you as of now though." I replied crossing my legs. He sat down in the chair in front of me.

"I'm just surprised to see you again."

"Well, it's a small town so I doubt you're that surprised," I rolled my eyes taking a sip of my fresh coffee. "anyways why are you here? The venue is an hour away from here."

"The team wanted to explore out of the big city since we're here for longer now''

"Why are you here longer?" Why do I care?

He pursed his lips. "There's sorta a storm by the Venue next stop...So we have to wait it out"

"Well, I'm sorry, but as fascinating as this conversation is, I have to head home. So good luck pop star."

I got up and thanked the baristas before leaving. A couple of steps out the door I had to turn around and made my way back to the table.

"Miss me already?"

"Funny. No, I left my phone." I sighed.

"You need to glue it to yourself. You've lost it twice and it hasn't even been 24 hours.''

"You're so funny. Maybe if the singing doesn't work out you could be a comedian."

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