68 4 11

(M stands for is marit. )
Remember don't forget to comment

To M: Hey u busy tmr?

From M: Nope, what's up

To M: Ok I was wondering if u wanted to hangout. We haven't seen each other in like a a year

From M: Omg YES! Wanna go to the coffee shop?

To M: Sure. I'll meet u there at 1?

From M: Kk sounds good

(End of convo)

To Harry: Hey, sorry but me and Marit are gonna hang out tmr. Let's try for another time?

From Harry: Ok... have fun

(End of convo)

I turned off my phone and took a quick shower. When I got out I tried to work on my story but nothing came to mind worthy of putting on paper. The competition is in 2 1/2 months. I sighed to my self and went and laid in bed until it was time to go to bed.

(Next morning)

I woke to the sun shining right into my eyes at 11:00. I turned on my phone and scrolled through my social media. I got out of my bed and went down stairs.

"Hey mom, dad"

"Hey hun" My father smiled "What are you up to?"

"Marit and I are gonna hang out today at 1. Why?"

"I was gonna ask if you wanted to help me out at work to earn a little money"

"Sorry! Maybe next time!" I said and headed to the living room to watch some tv.

Halfway through the 4th episode of my show I looked at the clock and saw it was 12:15 I got up and threw on some shorts and a tee shirt. I said bye to mom and dad and headed for the cafe. It was close enough I could just walk. Traffic was so bad, I had to stand at a crosswalk for at least 4 minutes. Listening to drivers honking and cussing at each other is not the most pleasant thing to hear. I ran across the streets to the cafe panting. That's more exercise I did in gym class I thought to myself.

"Hey Carter!" I turned around to see Marit sitting down. I walked over to her and sat down

"Hey M! How have u been?"

"Good, I got you your coffee. I remembered your exact order" she smirked

"Well thank you M! I would order for you but your order changes like every day!" We laughed.

We caught up on everything we missed in each others lives. She was visiting her grandparents in Paris for a couple months during summer and boy did I miss her. I left out the part where Harry was involved. What she doesn't know won't hurt her, anyways they will probably never meet and I can avoid any interaction between the 3 of us. We finished up our drinks and decided to go into the shops down the street. We went to the local clothing shop, a candle shop, book store, and a record store.

"Omg Carter, look, it's a One Direction album! Dang do I miss them. Can they just get back together for like a week?!" Marit laughed

I awkwardly laughed "Yeah. But I bet they're so busy now with their careers. How's your sis?" I tried to change the subject as fast as I could.

"Oh Anna....she's fine. Still getting in to trouble like usual. Mom thinks the school is gonna help" Marit trails off

Anna has a history of sneaking out and getting into a bunch of trouble. Marits family sent her to a boarding school for teens to help her. I know that the reason Marit went to Paris was to keep her mind of her little sister. They are best friends and it was really hard for her to leave Anna. Marit had to stay at my house for a couple of weeks because her parents always worked and she was used to Anna being her company.

"Hey, I bet she misses you. You know you can write to her. I think she'd like that" I smiled

"True. Enough of this sob story, shall we head back? I can give u a ride home."

"Sure that would be great"

When walking back to her car there was a big swarm of girls screaming

"Damn what's going on. Is it someone famous!?" Marit gleams

"I have no idea." I try to look through the crowd to see what all the screaming is about. My heart races scared to see what the screaming was about. I finally see someone. It was Harry talking to the fans.

"We need to get out of here now" I grab Marits arm and pull her to the car

"Woah woah woah slow down Carter. What's got you rushing?"

"Oh Umm I just didn't want to be by all those people"

"Ok" Marit shook it off and we drove off. My heart was racing. I was so close to be caught, I DONT need Harry and my real life getting mixed with each other. Marit dropped me off at my house and we said our goodbyes.

"I'm home!" No replies.

I walked into the kitchen to see see a note.

"Hey hun, you weren't responding to my texts so I'm guessing your phone died, got kidnapped, or just didn't see the texts. We all went to eat. Text me when u get home so I know you're safe. Love you

I texted her I was home and went to watch a movie.

"Ding ding"

I looked down to see a text from Harry

"Hey, how was the girls day?"

"It was fun. We went and grabbed coffee, and went shopping"

"Fun. Hey are you busy tomorrow?"

"No" I laughed

"Sweet wanna get together?"

"Sure Harry"

"Sweet. I'll pick you up at 2!"

"Kk. Cant wait!"

"I know I'm just that interesting to be around!"

Me and Harry texted for a a couple more hours till my family got home.

"Hey mom. How was dinner?"

"Good. How was it with Marit? How's she doing?"

"She's doing well."

I went to the living room and watched a show.
Right as the exciting part was happening the door bell went off.

"Who the fuck is visiting someone at 11 at night."

I got up and went to open the fort to see who had the nerve to interrupt me and my show.

"OK THIS BETTER BE GOOD WHOEVER YOU ARE I- Marit?!" I'm frozen staring at a crying Marit with a big bruise on her arm and cheek.

Op- cliff hanger..
Sorry y'all that this update took so long. School started so I'm swamped with work. But this is a pretty long chapter... again, don't forget to vote! ❤️kk thanks

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