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4 Month's later,Lucy's POV

Its been four month's since we found out its gender . Natsu was so happy to hear the news but he was too happy.

He wont stop kissing my belly and hugging it.He does this every five minutes.Then he whispers i love u ,i mean love him to but this is getting out of hand.

At the hospital,Natsu's POV (past)

Im in the hospital waiting for lucy .Im so anxious to know the gender .A few minutes later a doctor comes .

"So how is she"i say.

"Shes alright her baby is at good state"the docter says.

"Ok thats good,may i know the gender "i ask.

"Yes u may,please come with me"the doctor says.

I follow the doctor to the room lucy is staying.Once i enter i see lucy laying down on bed.I walk over to her and kiss her on the lips.She smiles as i smile back.

"Its a girl"lucy whispers in my ear.

I jump back in eximent.

"Really"i ask.

She just nods.I run to her and give her a big hug and kiss on the lips.

Five months later,Lucy's POV

I walk around the beach hand in hand with natsu.I think to myself i was never really his girlfriend but he still got me pregnant i just hope he doesn't run off.I suddenly feel extreme pain ,like if i were to die.

"Natsu!!! It's time"i scream.

I see his eyes wide open ,he carrys me with all his strength and runs looking for a hospital.He enters the hospital screaming "some please help me shes pregnant and her water broke "they stare at him for a moment then quickly remove me from his arms and place me on a bed.

A few hours later,Natsu's POV

I wait there patiently.Its been three hours and i cant wait to see my daughters face.The doctor signals me to come in.I rush towerds the door and find lucy with a boby in hands.I almost tear up at the sight.I tap the babys head.

"What are we gonna name her"i ask

"Asis ,Asis Dragneel "lucy smiles.

I smile back .Asis,i think in my head .Well welcome home.

Sorry for the lame chapter im not feeling well there for im not inspired oh well i will try harder next time kk till next time wonderful people:)

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