A new member

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Lucy's POV

After Natsu's and Grey's fight i head home side to side with natsu.I soon start feeling dizzy and sick ,i ignore it but it kept on getting worse.I suddenly stop as i see natsus eyes full of worry .

"Are you ok?"natsu asked concerned.

"Yeah"i say giving him a big fake smile,hopping he will buy it.

I soon feel my body shake in pain and before i know it i black out.

I wake up on a hospital bed and i see some food be side me .I sit up and start to eat. The door soon open reavling a out of breath natsu and a docter.

"Whats goin on"i ask curious.

"Lucy Heartfillia,i have some great news for you."the docter says smiling."Ur....






PREGNAT!!!!"they said in unison.

I drop my fork and stare at natsu who is smiling with delight.I feel tears of joy fall out of my eyes.

"Is it really true natsu,im going to be a mom!"i ask natsu trying to breathe from the exmiment.

"Yea it is ,Gramps if fainly gonna have grand children."he says while laughing.

He runs to me and gives me a gentle hug. He kisses my lips with pure joy.

"So what are we gonna name it "i ask interrupting his kiss.

"Hmmm,if it a boy how about Nathan no no Jack no Natsu jr. Yeah i like that one"he smiles proud of himself.

"What if its a girl "i ask desperately wanting for an answer.

"Hmm,why dont we ask the gluid for help i suck at girl names."he admits.

I agree,suddenly we hear a knock at the door.The doors open revealing the docter.

"Lucy you seem to be at a better state,im going to do some second checks to make sure .You will be released by tomorrow morning "the docter says before walking out.

Natsu grins.

Natsu's POV

I give lucy a kiss on the forehead and told her to rest.A few minutes later she's fast asleep,i whisper in here ear "I love you Lucy ".I walk out of the hospital and head for the gluid to give them the news.Once i enter i notice a Grey half naked across the room .

"Oi grey aren't u missing something "i smirk.

I walk towerds the group of girls talking while hearing grey growl at me from behind.

"Hey natsu,wheres lucy?"wendy asked.

"Hey wendy,Lucy's in the hospital."i respond.

"THE HOSPITAL!!!"all the girls say in unison.

They were so loud that gluid went quiet in shock.There soon was a crowd surrounding me and the girls.

"Wheres lucy","is she okay","what do u mean in the hospital "was all i heard i took a deep breath before speaking up.

"I have some big news everyone"natsu started.

Everyone quieted down.

"Lucy's pregnant!!"i said with a smile.

The whole gluid gasped and a murmur started.

"Wow Natsu your gonna be a dad "grey said .

"Juvia would love to do it with grey-sama"juvia said.

Greys eyes widen as he runs out of the gluid.

"Grey-sama dont leave me"juvia says as she runs after him.

We all laugh at the sight.

"So natsu do u know if its a boy or a girl yet"erza speaks up.

"Naw,i actually came here for ideas on what to name the baby "Natsu responds.

"Oh we can help u with that "mirajane responds,"In a few months we will soon have a new member in fairytale "

What do u guys think it will be a boy or a girl please comment on names u would like the baby to be called kk till text time wonderful people:)

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