the girl ive never met - beth x reader

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(y/n) pov

i sat on the cold bench, watching her play. it was starting to become a daily routine, and i'm not complaining. i love seeing her hit the puck into the goal... or whatever it's called. if i'm being completely honest, i'm not much of a hockey fan, and come to a game of 40 minutes only to give her a small complement when she walks out the door.

giving a compliment took a lot of confidence, and so talking to her would take a lot more. i would almost pee my pants if i tried to start a conversation.

since the game was over at this point, i decided that accidents happen and i had another pair of pants in my bag from basketball practice. she was so beautiful that talking to her was worth peeing my pants.

i flipped my long blonde locks behind my head and made my way over towards her. half way walking up to her i paused. another guy had started a conversation with her. he was also a player, and the back of his jersey read. "buyers".

immediately i thought of colby buyers, a boy in my grade who went to the same school as me. he was annoying, and she probably wouldn't like him, but still he was a treat to me and that girl.

i walked up to them anyways, because showing off to them was really the only way i could make her notice me. i pushed colby aside and grabbed her by her collar. i whispered sweet things into her ear. things that could not be said out loud. i pulled away from her ear, only to see a dark haired girl in front of me, blushing like crazy.

colby was speechless. he was still for a moment and then rushed to the exit. i stood, and looked into her eyes with burning passion. it was clear that she had the same energy.

"what's your name, miss?" i asked.

"beth. beth graham." she replied, already swooning over me.

"that's such a beautiful name." i smiled.

she blushed and picked up her bag that was laying on the floor, "why did you whisper those things
into my ear?"

"all i said was that you were pretty, why not?" i smirked.

she giggled, "is that all you said?"

i laughed, "i'm sure that was all haha."

she gave me a devilish smile, "wanna finish this later?"

i was about to answer, but she flipped her hair back and started walking out the door.

beth pov

woah. i've never experienced anything like that before. a random guy had never told me his fantasies before. it was weird, but also intriguing. if this had been some ugly guy, i would have seen it was gross, but it wasn't. this guy was 5,10, blonde, and sure did know how to talk to a woman.

why did i have to walk away like that? i could have given him my number, or at the very least i could have talked to him a little more. i just left him hanging, and now i probably won't ever get to see this guy again.

to be continued -

(if you found this story and you don't know me, it's a just a joke about my friends)

( bethyyy i know you're going to love my story because i know you love those sweet talkers like lucas and colby 💕)

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