chatper 2

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beth pov

last night i was dreaming. that guy was in my dream. he looked amazing. we was wearing a fancy outfit and was holding flowers to give to me. i thought it was adorable. when i woke up i was super sad that it had ended. if only i was sable to experience it in real life.

(y/n) pov

i wonder what she could be doing right now. she's probably with some hot guy. probably colby. i wish she didn't walk away from me like that. i would have gotten the chance to at least chat with her a little longer.

i picked up my shopping bags i had just picked up from the store minutes ago. i'm usually happy when i get new clothing for myself but this time it just felt different. i was wondering if i should even show up to another game or practice. it would be embarrassing seeing her again if she was just genuinely not interested in me.

as i was walking i stumbled into someone. i looked up and it was her. i blushed and looked up, amazed by her beauty.

"woah" i said in awe.

beth pov

i wasn't expecting to see him again be here i am, staring at him. he was so charming.

"wanna hang out?" he said looking to the side.

my heart was pounding as i grabbed his hand and pointed to a fancy restaurant on the corner. he smiled at me and agreed to go in.

as we walked into the restaurant i saw a familiar face. it was colby. we immediately made eye contact with each other and he started walking up to me.

(y/n) pov

i was so angry that colby was here. of course something had to ruin my plans. and out of all people it just had to be him.

colby suddenly grabbed beth by her collar and whispered something sweet into her ear. he was a bad whisperer, and i could hear every word.

i grabbed colby and threw him onto the ground. he hit the back of the wall and knocked a painting down. the whole crowd was staring. colby tried to punch back but i grabbed his fist and pushed it away.  colby scrambled out the building leaving his family and friends behind in embarrassment. i took beths hand and pulled her closer.

"my names (y/n) by the way" i smiled.

she smiled back and proceeded to lean into a kiss. soon enough we were making out in front of everyone.

"let's finish this at home, (y/n)" she smiled.

to be continued -

(y'all know what happened next hehe 😏)

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