Chapter 51- Not giving up

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Graces Pov

"Grace" a voice called shaking me lightly. I opened my eyes to fogged images of people around me. I blinked a few times making my vision more clear. It was Pansy and Louis. "Hi" Pansy said rubbing my arm. Memories of last night flooded back into my head.

I began to remember why I was laying here tear stains on my cheeks. I remember fainting with a voice calling for me. "Hi" I said back sitting up. "Are you okay?" Louis asked worried "Louis" Pansy said shaking her head "I'm okay" I answered him. "Uh where is everyone?" I asked thinking about Crabbe and Blaise since they weren't here.

"Down in the Great Hall" Pansy told me. I shook my head a little in response. "I am not trying to come of rude but Louis why are you here and why did you sit with us yesterday?" I asked just confused and needing some answers. Pansy looked over to him as if she knew. "Grace Draco talked to me yesterday morning saying that he was leaving and to keep close to you make sure you safe and okay. He didn't tell me why he left but I care about you so I wasn't going to say now"

I felt my body relax when he told me this, but at the same time tense up. I was surprised Draco asked this of Louis, but it gave me warmth thinking he didn't just leave. "Oh" is all I could think of to say back to him. Both there eyes burned through me. "Louis we will meet you at breakfast okay" I could tell Pansy was signaling him to leave.

"Oh yeah okay" he said getting up and leaving shutting my door behind him. "I am so sorry Grace" Pansy broke the silence that filled the room. Tears started to merge to my eyes "I'm not letting him go Pansy" I said trying to hold back tears slightly choking up. "He's gone" " Pansy he is not he can't just leave he wouldn't do that and I-I am not going to just except it" I cut her off getting more upset.

Our story was only beginning, and just like Narcissa said you don't run away from the people you love just because it gets hard. "What are you going to do?" she asked grabbing my hand "Fight" I said grabbing her hand back. "I'm leaving for the manor tonight. I will go talk to Narcissa and see if she knew and if there is already another task and" she cut me off "You can't go it is to risky"

"Well what the hell am I supposed to do just sit here let him go and risk the chance of ever seeing him again" I yelled at her standing up off my bed. Water brimmed her eyes. "No Grace but but your not going alone then" she said standing up across from me. "I am not dragging you or anyone into this I just need to go talk to" she cut me off again more upset then the last

"I wasn't asking for your permission Grace I am your best friend you can't just think I am going to go let yourself get killed" she yelled with little tears dropping when she blinked. I would be lost without her and I have to admit that. "I am coming with you" she said walking over to me. I didn't say anything but grab her close to me wrapping my arms around her as she did the same back. "I love you" "I love you too" she said holding me tighter.

"You need to tell Crabbe at least" she told me breaking the hug. "I know" I said as we walked out the door to the Great Hall where Crabbe, Blaise, and Louis all sat. "Hey Grace" Blaise said as I sat down "Grace" Crabbe said hugging me right as I sat down next to him. Pansy looked over my way giving me a chance to talk. "I have to talk to you guys" I said sitting up straight. Everyone looked over to me. "I am leaving" "What" Blaise said staring at me

"Tonight me and Pansy are leaving to the Manor I need to talk to Narcissa and she doesn't want me to go alone" I explained "So you think we are just letting you guys go and that is it" Crabbe said angry "Well you don't have a choice" I sternly said back. I hated how hurt my brother looked. "He is like my brother I'm coming too" Blaise broke the tension. I whipped my head over to him.

"I am going to" "So am I" Louis and Crabbe added. All of us were going to risk our own lives for him. Draco Lucius Malfoy. Night fell quick and we all got bags ready to leave. "Ready" Pansy said moving towards our door "yeah" I said with one more deep breath. We walked out down tot he common room where the boys sat.

They got up not saying anything just following us out the door to the train. Finding an empty compartment and sitting down. Silence is all that filled the air around us. There was nothing to say. I dozed a few times as the train made its way, but woke up soon after. The train jolted to a stop. "Lets go" Blaise said standing up we all followed walking off the train into the cold night air.

"This will be the port key we use" Louis said pulling out a small book out of his bag. "Grab on" Crabbe said as his hand gripped it. Followed by Blaise then Pansy then me. We traveled in seconds showing up at the front door of the Manor. Chills shot down my spine as we made our way up to the door. Blaise knocked on the grand doors they opened soon after. "Grace" Narcissa called pulling me close right away.

"What are you all doing here?" she asked realizing it wasn't just me. "I need to talk to you" I told her soft but concern clearly filling my voice. She opened the doors more letting us all in dropping our bags by the door. We all walked over to the long dinning table sitting down across and next to each other.

"So why are you here? Is everything okay?" she asked taking a sip of the wine that sat in front of here looking tired and stressed. "Do you know where he is?" I asked getting straight to the point of it all not wanting to waste her time knowing what has been going on during her days.

Her face dropped a little at my question a form of worry and guilt covering her face. Yet looking somewhat sad and sorry "Yes" she answered looking at the entrance to the room we all were in.

"Grace" a voice called from behind us. I stood up turning around to the 


AHHHHHH! She is not letting him go! The next chapter is going to be a little crazy heads up it will be a step closer to the end!! I want to thank you all again I love you all and hope you have enjoyed and are continuing to enjoy <3

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