Chapter 3- Why did he hate me?

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Grace's Pov

Pansy woke me up again the next morning again. I am not very good at waking up in the morning I never have been. I debated telling her what happened last night, but deiced not too. We got dressed and headed to join the boys at breakfast.

Once we sat down I hugged my brother and said good morning to Blaise. I wasn't really hungry so I just talked with Pansy a little. Then he walked in. Draco. He in between Pansy and Blaise. "Hey asshole I was sitting there!" Pansy yelled at him. "Oh shut it Pansy you can go one minute without sitting next to your boyfriend Blaise." He said back clearly irritated by her yelling at him.

I caught myself staring at him a couple of times, but would look away right before he looked at me. "Grace do you want to head to class early with me?" Pansy asked me but I was confused since she hated school and doing work so I just gave her a confused look.

But then she mouthed I need to talk to you. So I just nodded my head and stood up with her to walk out.

Draco's Pov

"Wait did Pansy just ask to go to class early?" Blaise question as the girls walked out. "Yeah that was weird." Crabbe answered him.

It was weird since everyone knows how much Pansy hates doing work. What was the sudden change of mind for her? But in all honesty I didn't care what they were doing.

Blaise and Crabbe just talked, but for some reason once again I couldn't stop thinking about stupid Grace. I hated that I thought about her so much, but I did. A lot.

For what reason though she was just another girl at Hogwarts nothing new or special. She always caught my eye though and for some reason, and I loved the little attitude she gave me when I didn't answer her last night.

Why am I saying this I don't like her or even care for her in that matter.

Grace's Pov

"Okay I have to tell you something I like Blaise and need help telling him." Pansy told me as we made our way to the girls bathroom. "WOW!! I AM SO SURPRISED!!" I yelled back at her laughing.

"Wait you knew?" She was confused. "I had my thoughts on it." I told her as she went on about how she was to nervous to tell him.

"Listen your gorgeous, funny, sweet, caring, and actually perfect just go for it, and if he doesn't like you back he is a fucking idiot." I was being honest when I said this she was perfect for him in a lot of ways. He giggled a little and hugged me super tight while thanking me.

Now it was actually time to head to class so we left the bathroom and headed to class. I had forgotten that I had to sit next to Draco in this class. He was already sitting down so I just went to my seat next to him and sat down. "I have to do some things today outside of the classroom and I trust you to behave yourselves.
So I prepared worksheets for you to do while I am gone. You can also work with your partner if you want." Snape said rushing out of the classroom.

I looked down at the worksheet that appeared on the desk. I was pretty good at potions, but the questions looked hard.

Great of course they were hard and my only help was Draco. "Um can you help me?" I asked him in a quiet voice.

He turned his head and grabbed my paper from in front of me. "There just look at what I did and copy it for the rest." He said handing my paper back to me. "Thank you." "Whatever"

God why was he such an asshole he didn't even know me. "Why are you so mean to me you don't even know me and you barley talk to me?" I couldn't keep my anger in anymore, and felt I needed to know why he was such a dick to me. Yet again no response.

"Can you just answer the question please." I whisper yelled at him. Still nothing. I was going to grab him wrist but before I could he grabbed mine and turned his head to me. He had a hard grip on my wrist.

I could feel his rings imprinting on my skin at this point, but I liked it. Oh my god Grace pull it together. He leaned his head by my ear and whispered "I thought I told you I will say something when I have something to say back."

He let go of my wrist and went back to his paper. I just stared at him speechless. What the hell does that mean? Class went fast after that and so did the rest of the day. I thought about my interaction with Draco all day.

It was almost like I wanted more. More of what though? I skipped dinner and just read in my room. Pansy didn't come back until later, and when she walked in she smelled of sex.

I knew she had been with Blaise, but didn't say anything I just said goodnight to her as I laid my book down. I slowly drifted off to sleep thinking of today and what Draco said to me. I wanted more then that.

I wanted more then just him saying that over and over again. But what exactly did I expect. Better question what did I want.

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