Chapter 41- Death Eaters

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Graces Pov

The past couple of days have been better. I have been feeling a little better about everything there are still moments where I think of my mother and get sad, but I push through it. Draco has been at meeting constantly only coming back at night or early morning. He looks stressed and the more it goes on the more I am getting worried about him.

I don't know if he sleeps or even eats. This morning he came in my dorm while Pansy was showing telling me he would be gone until later today. It was hard to have him gone so much, but I couldn't do anything about it. I was sitting on my bed while everyone else was at breakfast.

I looked out my window to see an owl flapping its wings graciously as it come closer to me. I got up walking over to the window slowly opening it. The owl dropped a letter into my hands. I watched it fly away before shutting the window. I didn't even ready the front of the letter I just turned it over and opened it. Unfolding a piece of parchment.

Dear Grace,

I should have wrote sooner and I am so sorry for that. I have been thinking about you lately, and my heart aches hearing about your recent loss. I am so sorry you had to go through that I am here for you if you ever need to talk to someone. I am worried about Draco he has not been acting himself lately. I have a feeling it is due to everything happening with his task, and not being able to bring himself to do it.

I just want you to keep an eye on him and be there for him as much as you can. You are the only thing that makes him truly happy. I have a lot of hope in you guys. Stay safe and happy early birthday beautiful girl.


I teared up a little reading it but pushed them back. I was just as worried about him as she was and she knew it. I was glad she wrote me and let me know she felt. I was lucky to have her and that she was so kind to me.

I put the letter in the draw of my night stand before jumping in the shower. The water always helped calm my mind. As I finished getting ready there was knocking at the door. "coming" I called walking over and opening it. Blaise stood in the door frame.

"Blaise whats up?" I asked letting him in "Nothing I just wanted to check on you since you were at breakfast" he said frantically "Oh thank you but I am all good just wasn't that hungry" I reassured him grabbing his arm. He shot me a warm smile back.

"Have you seen Draco today?" he asked as we sat on my bed. "No I haven't" I said back turning my head the other way.

Dracos Pov

Another bloody meeting. Each one kills a part of me. I just want to be laying next to Grace, but no I can't I have to be here. "You cowards have been distracted. I would like you to tell me to my face what is more important to you than this." The Dark Lord spoke to all of us.

My heart sunk knowing how distracted I am with Grace. She is more important to me then this. "That is what I thought now all of you leave. Get out I said" The Lord yelled at us. We all got up trying to leave as fast as we could. "Not you Draco you come back here" he called for me. Shit.

I looked up at my parents my mother had a worried face my father a stern one. I turned and walked over to him. "Yes my Lord" I said standing face to face with him. "You have seemed off is there anything you want to tell me" he asked looking right into my eyes "Nothing my Lord" I said in return

"Nothing distracting you from your task" he pushed further "No nothing at all" I answered back fear filling my body knowing I was lying. "What... courage it takes to lie to my face" he said looking at me in disgust. My heart started racing I am surprised he didn't hear it. "What do you mean.. my Lord" I asked in fear.

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