Chapter 4.

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The pictures I post on the chapters are just pictures I like or find amusing, they don't have much to do with the story unless I mention it. In this case, that is Arasseths gown for the coronation. I love Sansa Stark's gowns in game of thrones.
Enjoy reading.
It was a few hours before the sun rose. She sat in silence on the corner of her bed while fiddling with the hem of her night gown, she was nervous and she had not felt this way for some time. Someone softly knocked on her door.
"It's open" Arasseth called out, standing up and closed her hands together in front of herself. Her mother opened the door followed by a house maid.
"We must get ready, the coronation is soon." She said while walking over to her desk, the maid quickly followed and placed the gown she was holding on the chair. She bowed her head to the maid along with her mother , the young elleth returned it and left the room. Arasseth saw the gown she had asked to get cleaned upon her arrival. Her mom was already dressed in a rich crimson coloured dress, her straight white-blonde hair was behind her shoulders and little braids were behind her ears and connected behind her head. A circlet was placed in her hair, it was very simple. It had tiny leaves attached to a simple band, small white jewels that shone bright like their beloved star were laced throughout it.
She lifted her gown and walked over to the bed, it was a beautiful royal blue and silver gown. Her mother followed her with a smile placing each section of the gown apart. The gown was composed of a under dress, a sleeveless dress, a bright blue under coat and then the over coat which had beautiful long sleeves and buttons. They all assembled beautifully. She took off her night gown and her mother helped her put on the many layers, making sure each one was perfect and straightened properly. She slid the long over coat on and attached the two buttons. She turned around and admired herself in the mirror. Her mother looking over her shoulder smiled and started to brush her long white blonde hair. She did the same thing to her daughters hair, all her hair slicked backwards with two small brains behind her ear that attached to the back of her head. Arasseth turned around once her mother was done and bowed her head. Her mother had gotten her daughters circlet who was almost similar to hers but it did not have the star stones.
"You look beautiful my star." She placed her hand over her heart and saluted her, Arasseth did the same in return. The two women were often mistaken for each other when they both wore their circlets, they also had the habit of wearing their hair in the same fashion which did not help others differentiate them.
They both left the room and walked side by side to meet up with their father. He wore a silver and Crimson long coat over some some black trousers and a metallic blood red shirt. He did not have any braids in his own hair but had a much more extravagant circlet on his head. He took his wife's hand and walked beside her to the throne room. They wore matching outfits and Arasseth could not help but to smile. They stood by the doors, royal families and court members entered last, but still before the future King would. Elrond and his wife Celebrían came up behind them, both had a smile on their face, his wife was pregnant. Mother quickly turned around and embraced Celebrían in a big hug, they had been friends for a long time.
"I am so happy for you " she whispered before going to stand beside father again. The two lords saluted each other and then Elrond did the same to Arasseth, she smiled.
"It is good to see you somewhere else than at a funeral." Arasseth whispered and he nodded in return.
Galadriel and Celeborn approached and stood behind Elrond and his wife.
"My lovely daughter" Galadriel smiled touching Celebrían's cheek. Elrond bowed his head to them and smiled. Celeborn glanced at his daughters little baby bump and you could tell he could barely contain his enthusiasm.
"Nicoli and Anabeth." The two elders greeted and smiled, "let's not forget Arasseth." Arasseth placed her hand over her heart and greeted them, they both bowed their heads in return.
I horn rung out from inside the large hall. All the elves waiting outside the door readied to enter in a file, Arasseth stood before her parents and the two other couples behind them, they all entered in order of importance and they were third to last. The spots closest to the throne room slowly filled as the high elves walked into the hall. Hundreds of elven folk were present and a few humans as well. Galadriel, Celeborn stood on the left of the podium and Elrond and Celebrían to the right.
This time many horns rung and the doors slowly opened, Thranduil was standing there dressed in silver and green, his robes were very long , well fitting and beyond elegant. He slowly walked to the podium and the crowd silenced itself. The future king held his head high with a serious and cold expression on his face. Stopping before the podium, the three lords and ladies placed their hands on their hearts and greeted him. The human lord bowed his head and then Thranduil proceeded up the stairs and stood in the middle.
Celeborn was the one to do the honours, he left his wife's side and stood before Thranduil. Taking the crown he held it in his hand and blessed it in elvish. The crown was unlike his fathers, it was made of branches and had little flowers between them, it twisted in the back of his head and some branches were placed upwards making it look very powerful. After repeating the oaths and swearing to protect his kingdom at any cost Celeborn placed the crown on his head. The trumpets sounded and Thranduil turned around and the first light of day was cast upon him from the rising sun. He then confirmed his allegiance to the other elven kingdoms and to the kingdoms of men.
People had left after the ceremony and went back home, others to their chambers and most to the dinning halls. Arasseth stood at a table picking up a glass of berry juice when she overheard two men talking. They both had black short hair, tanned skin an small beards.
" How can they live without meat? " one asked the other.
"How can they look like flawless goddesses but so powerful at the same time?" The second man responded with.
She approached them and smiled. "Do you feed a lamb some meat?" She asked once she was beside them and they simply stared at her, shocked she would talk to them.
"Well do you?" She questioned and they seemed to snap out of their daze.
"Uhm no my lady." The first man answered.
"But yet a lamb grows strong and lives well with just grass and leaves." She smiled before bowing her head at them walking over to Elrond. His brown eyes smiled at her and she smiled back still holding her cup. He had heard the quick exchange she had just had with the men and he chuckled at her. A small group of elleths then approached him before Arasseth had the time to chat with him.
"Arasseth, these are some elleths from Rivindell, they will be staying here for a while. They are some of my pics for the King. I think Galadirle has also brought some with her. "
All the young elleths bowed their heads at her and she simply nodded coldly in return. Elrond spoke with them quickly but she chose to ignore what he was saying and glanced around, scanning the hall for him. He stood by a table filled with fruit and was talking with a family that had just given him some gifts.
Elrond called her name for a second time before she turned to look at him with her eyebrows raised.
"I'm sorry, I was not paying attention, what did you say?" She asked and blushed lightly.
"Could I have this first dance ?" He asked for a second time and extended his hand to her. She gladly took it and he walked her to the centre of the room where other people were dancing. Placing his hand on her hip she placed hers on his shoulder and they danced. They exchanged small talk about his future children, the new king and other affairs. The song ended and her father joined them.
"May I dance with my beautiful daughter?" He asked Elrond and she was gladly handed over. She danced with her father and saw Galadirel dancing with Celeborn and Elrond had found his own wife. She leaned her head on Nicoli's shoulder and they danced for the next two songs, barely speaking just enjoying the moment. At the end of the second dance she received a tap on her shoulder and there stood Thranduil. Her father bowed his head and left them to find his own wife.
Thranduil silently put his hand and her waist and interlaced his fingers with hers instead of just holding it.
"It's impossible to get to you tonight." She said
He looked down at her and raised an eyebrow a small smirk on his face.
" Maybe that's because it's my coronation and I'm the Star of the show." He chuckled lightly and she smiled back at him. " or maybe it's because you are a very quiet elleth that doesn't like to interrupt and you feel like you're always bothering other people." He lightly squeezed her hand and she rolled her eyes at him.
"Maybe it's the cloud of suitors following you around and drooling on your coat." She said raising an eyebrow at him with a smirk.
"Oh I love the drooling, it adds a beautiful colour to my outfit." She laughed lightly and looked around and noticed a pack of girls glaring daggers at her, they most likely thought she was a suitor as well and that the King liked her. She had been the only one he had danced with yet.
"I think you should dance with the elleths next, they are already planning on how to kill me." She said still looking at them, he followed her gaze and then simply tightened his hold on her, bringing her closer to him, their chests almost touching.
"Maybe I should..." He sighed as the song was nearing its end. She let go of him and felt cold, he smiled down at her and leaned over to whisper in her ear. " I will come see you later."
He was then gone in the next second and walking over to the ladies, his cold and serious face had returned. She noticed how he simply picked on and brought her to the dance floor.
A shiver ran down her spine and thought it was odd because she was dressed in so many warm layers. It would be a long day for the King she thought, he had to dance with almost all of those elleths.
The rest of the day was filled with different celebrations and gifts. Their family had brought with them a small box containing three smalls jewels from the star of Elendil. When the King had seen them his eyes shone almost as bright as them. They were his favourite jewels and he never seemed to have enough of them.
Night was upon them and once more, they drank large amounts of wines and other fruity liquor. The greenwood elves were known for their love of celebrating and liquor. Arasseth had a few cups of wine herself before leaving for her bedchamber. She took off the layers of her gown placing them carefully over the back of her chair and removed her circlet. Finding her night gown she asked a maid passing by her room if a bath could be prepared for her. About half an hour later, a porcelain basin was filed with warm water, herbs and lotions. The mixture was white like milk. She took off her robes once alone and sunk into the basin muscles relaxing. The colour of the water was so thick that she couldn't even see her own body unless she took it out of the water. After a few minutes of enjoying the warmth she sunk her head bellow the surface.
When she sat up again and wiped her eyes the King stood in the door frame of the bathroom.
"I thought you had become a fish from staying under the water for so long" he chuckled. He was no longer wearing his long over coat and his crown was also gone.
"Thranduil what are you doing?" She made sure to sink lower under the water to only have her neck showing.
"Oh please, we have been friends for a few hundred years now, from toddlers to a king and lady. We used to bathe together as young children in the ponds remember, it would drive father crazy." He said a smile on his lips as he walked into the bathroom and sat on one of the luxurious couches beside her towels.
"Your father was royally pissed off when he saw us running in with our hair all wet and clothes slightly damp." She said while starring at the white water, a smile on her lips. "But we have both grown since then into adults." She said looking at him and raisin an eyebrow. His ears were slightly pink, and that's when she noticed how drunk he actually was. He was leaning back in the chair, his head on his fist and his eyes closed. His eyebrows were pinched closer together and Arasseth could tell he was lost in thought, not very happy ones by the looks of it.
"My King, what is wrong ?" She asked leaning her head on the side of the bath looking at him. He rubbed his hand over his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose sighing.
Oops. What's bothering Thranduil so much ? Is it just his fathers death or something else.
Guess you will find out in the next chapter....maybe.
Hope you guys enjoyed it, don't be afraid to comment !
Until next time,

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