Chapter 9.

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Good day fellow readers.

I hope you enjoy this following chapter.

I want to clarify that the elves are speaking elvish at all times between each other.

I just wanted to take a moment and thank all of you for reading my story, voting and commenting. It means a lot more to me than you think!

Don’t be shy to strike up a conversation with me; I’d love to chat with you all.


 They stood there in silence scanning their surroundings as best they could, limited buy the fact that it was night time. They relied mostly on their ears, listening for any strange sounds. Then they heard what Tatharon was talking about a low groaning and creaking sound followed with thumps. Leaves were rustling and the trees around them were getting more and more talkative. Arasseth looked around her and placed her hand on the nearest trunk, Tatharon keeping an eye on the Elleth but listening to the slow whispers coming from the trees as well. The thumping and groaning was slowly but surely coming closer and closer to them. The two elves smiled when they realized what the sound was.

 “How foolish of us.” Arasseth told Tatharon.

 They whispered soothing words to their horses keeping them calm as a tree shepherd came into sight slowly walking towards them. The ancient tree was a beautiful willow in bloom; his arms were twisted branches with many smaller branches sticking out of them and dragging on the ground covered in leaves.  The same branches were hanging down from his head. The old willow tree walked up to the elves and kneeled down in order to hear them better. Arasseth and Tatharon bowed their heads greeting him.

 “Children of nature…the trees are…noticing…” He trailed off into silence. The tree shepherds were known for being slow when it came to speech but the elves had many years to live and lots of time to spare in order to listen to what the shepherd had to say. It was rare that these beings would go out of their way to talk to another race. They usually remained quiet unless spoken to or whispered to their fellow trees, critters and the wind.

 “Noticing that…the Araneae…are…” He trailed off once more seeming lost in thought. The willow tree looked around him and some trees groaned in returned, they were reminding him of the information her was supposed to tell them. “That the ….eight legs…are growing restless…” The two elves looked at each other with a frown. Arasseth slid off her horse and walked up to the willow tree. He was much larger than any tree shepherd she had ever met but she couldn’t say he was the largest in the forest because this was only the second time in her entire lifetime that she had ever had the chance to come face to face with one.

 “Great willow tree and shepherd of the forest, It is my greatest honor and pleasure to lay my eyes upon you and have the chance to hear your voice. My friend over here shares the name of your kind.” Arasseth said as Tatharon walked up behind her.

 “What do you mean when you say spiders are growing restless?” The ellon added.

 The old willow tree looked around at the other trees and sighed. “I mean …what I said. Keep a …watchful eye on …the Araneae…they are…worrying the… forest.” The tree shepherd stood up making the elves look like little mice beside it and walked past them making his way north without answering questions or giving them more information. The two elves looked at each other with curious stares and were now filled with those questions. They walked back to their horses pondering about his warning and remained quiet until they got to the inn where they simply exchanged a few words with the young human woman keeping the counter.

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