Chapter 2

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She urged her chestnut mare faster, not wanting to lose any time. She was hungry because she did not want to stop, a small price to pay in order to deliver the news on time. Finally she saw her fathers kingdom and relief washed over her, ridding through the gates she did not stop until she got to the doors and hopped off her still trotting horse. She rushed up the stairs and pushed the doors open striding into the main hall where her father and brother were.
"Ada , Adrian, Greenwood is going to war against the orcs and have requested our aid as their allies. "
The two men looked at her then between themselves and nodded at eachother. Adrian left the main hall already knowing his orders, to prepare the Warriors.
On the third day after Arasseth returned from greenwood, her fathers army was leaving to join King Oropher and his men on the battle field. Leading the army of elves was her bother and father, she was in the middle ridding next to the archers who were on foot. She wore delicate armour and was armed with her bow and two long knives. Under her silver armour she wore robes or rich red colours and black leather pants, on her head she wore a thin band of gold, forged to look like vines. She rode her chestnut mare but her usual saddle was replaced with a much more beautiful one that provided more flexibility in battle and space to move around while ridding.
It took them three days to reach King Oropher and his army , they were lucky, the Orc forces could be seen in the distance advancing without any coordination. Adrian, her father and herself rode to the king who was on his steed with his son Thranduil at his side.
Arasseth's hands felt weak, she had never been part of war, the only fighting experience she had was killing small packs of orcs, duelling with her father and brother, or training. This was a completely different scale, while lost in thought a hand rested on her shoulder and she snapped her eyes toward Thranduil. He had no emotions on his face but looked noble and strong.
"You can stay back if you freeze up, use your bow and avoid getting caught in the middle." Thranduil said calmly and he looked into her eyes then turned his horse around and went to stand beside his father and the first horn of war rung and in unison the elves marched forward. The four men rode towards the front of the army and all the elves quickened their pace once the Kings and princes were on the front. She stayed at the rear of the army and held her bow in one hand steering with the other. Kicking her horse it began to trot and everything moved slowly. The two kings and princes took out their weapons and delivered the first blows. Hundreds of arrows flew over their heads towards the Orc army and war cries came from both armies. She kept her eyes on the four sets of flowing silver hair. Some orcs were starting to make it pass the first line of soldiers and Arasseth strung her bow trying to aim for an Orc but her hands shook. Closing her eyes she steadied her breath calming herself down, the people she knew and loved all knew how to fight,they would be fine, she had no reason to worry. Opening her eyes again she aimed and let go of the string. With a whoosh the feather brushed her cheek and the arrow flew hitting the Orc she had aimed at and suck deep into its head, making it drop dead.
A second cloud of arrows flew toward the Orc army and dying screams could be heard from every direction. She strung her bow more and more as some orcs got closer to her, arrows flying in all directions, the sound of sword hitting sword or armour rung in her ears. The grunts of dying orcs and elves came from all around her. The air started to smell foul with blood.
While aiming to her left, her horse bucked under her and went crashing to the ground, an Orc had snuck up on her and killed the mare. She was thrown from her mount and went tumbling on the grown. She stood up quickly and strung her bow while turning around killing the beast that had made her fall. She stood where she was, shooting arrow after arrow in circles around her until her quiver was empty. She swung the bow and put it across her back, taking out her two knives and twirling them in her hands. She started fighting the orcs twirling and jumping, if one were to look at her in another scenario than war it looked like she was dancing. Her armour and clothes became bathed and splattered with the thick disgusting Orc blood.
She looked up to see where her father stood. He was fighting side by side with Adrian and a little more to the left stood King Oropher.
The kind suddenly tumbled, he had been grabbed by the ankle. While falling over a huge Orc snuck up behind him and Arasseth reached for her bow and quiver but remembered she was all out. Grabbing an arrow from a corpse laying next to her she strung he bow in one swift move and aimed for the Orc. The arrow woodshed past her but it simply bounced of the massive orcs thick skin, she then saw Thranduil running towards his father with all his might but he was too late, the Orc lifted his hammer and brought it down on the King. Thranduil reached his father and she had never seen the prince this angry. He used so much of his strength to slice the beasts arms clean off making the Orc suffer, he then sliced through its thick neck and the Orc fell. Arasseth ran towards Thranduil who was kneeling next to his father. She knelt beside him and saw the horrifying scene in front of her, the kind was dead.
"Ada" the prince whispered. "ADAAAAAA!" He then yelled and she wrapped her arms around him. The prince sobbed in her shoulder, she looked around her and the fighting had stopped. Only elves were standing now and we're slowly starting to gather around the dead King and the crying prince. In the horizon the sun was starting to set.
Her father and brother broke into the circle and looked at the scene in schock. She looked up at her own father, tears starting to escape her eyes as well. He ordered Adrian to look for survivors with the men who were capable, and for the injured to seek medical help. He picked up the King and wrapped his limp arm around his shoulders. Oropher's silver hair was tangled, stained with blood and dirt. She stood up slowly trying her best to lift Thranduil with her. He let go of her and whipped his tears. He walked over to her father and helped him carry the fallen King, a noble expression had returned to his face.
The next day many funerals were held, honouring all the fallen soldiers and the King. His bed of branches,leaves and flowers was in the middle with him laying on it. His body was covered with green velvet and only his face was showing with a peaceful expression. Many other nobles traveled to greenwood paying their respects to the beloved King. Elrond and Galadriel both came paying their respects to Oropher and Thranduil.
When the sun had set and all the bodies were being carried to where they would be buried, it was the first time Arasseth saw Thranduil since the battle. She walked up to him and followed the long line of mourning elves down to the graves.
"My lord?" She said quietly and waited for him to look at her. She saw all his pain and misery when his eyes connected with her own silver orbs and he simply responded with a small nod, that was all she needed. A simple gesture made her understand that Thranduil would live through his sorrow and take his fathers place on the throne. They stood in silence together for the rest of the evening ,she was happy she could be beside him and little did she know Thranduil felt the same way.
As everyone retired to their bedchambers she placed her hand on his shoulder.
" I will be back in a week for your coronation." She gave him a small smile.
"I will count on you being here, your father and brother as well." He bowed his head lightly and she returned the gesture. Thranduil looked at her with a chilling expression on his face. He turned around and left for his bedchamber.
That night she rode with her family and the remaining of her army back home, they had their own funerals to attend.

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