Chapter 8

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Hey it’s been a while and I’m sorry for making you wait!

I want to thank all of you for all the reads, comments and votes; it means so much to me.

I hope you enjoy this next chapter.

Have fun reading!


               Thranduil opened his mouth to speak but quickly shut it and his frown deepened. He lifted his hand hooking a strand of hair between his index and middle fingers. Letting the strand fall back down he turned around and sighed deeply while looking up at his throne. The pair was impressed with how quickly the king had managed his temper.

“I can’t do anything about this.” He slowly said while looking over his shoulder at them.

“The riches are growing under that mountain and the elves could benefit from it if we play the game properly.” He added and slowly turned around once more. “The Halfling that robbed you of your braid might not have been aware what it signified, he might of simply done it to anger you. “

Tatharon reached up touching his own braid, he followed the same traditions as Arasseth and most of her kingdom. “My king I think this dwarf was very aware what our braids represent, it is a direct act of conflict.” Tatharon’s fists were clenched and he stepped forward while speaking. He was a noble and skilled warrior but had short temper at times. Arasseth put her hand on his bicep giving him a knowing look. The ellon pinched his lips and backed down from the argument, the king was right. A dispute between a lowly dwarf and them was not enough to risk an alliance with the dwarves.

“I have spoken out of place and I am sorry my king.” Tatharon said placing his hand over his heart and bowing his head, the king bowed in return. Thranduil dismissed him upon request leaving him alone with Arasseth.  Once Tatharon was gone the king walked over to her again, his hands locked behind his back.

“While you were gone, the council decided who I was going to take as my wife.  I would like you to meet her, she is the most suitable option and I can actually tolerate her. “He looked away knowing what he was about to say would hurt the elleth but he needed to say it for himself just as much. “I think she will make a good wife and wonderful queen to my kingdom…I can see the potential between us and our kingdoms.”

When those words left his lips she felt like her legs had been broken and ice thrown against her spine knocking the wind out of her. She knew this day would come but she didn’t expect it to be this soon, she had hoped the king wouldn’t have a bride for at least another fifty years. She forced the most sincere smile onto her lips for a brief second and bowed her head. “Congratulations my king, I hope that she is fair and that she will bring a new light to Greenwood. I wish you many beautiful children and that she will be the light of your people.” She did mean those words, she loved her friend but it still pained her. A deep sorrow was starting to bubble in the pit of her stomach. “I would love to dine with your future queen and hopefully we can become friends.” Those words felt like poison burning her throat and swelling her tongue.

The king looked down at her, sorrow and pain in his icy blue eyes. His expression then changed to noble and cold. This expression was rare for the king but he would soon become famous for it.

“Thank you my dear friend, until then you can go back home and announce the news to your kingdom. I would like you to return before the wedding.” They smiled at each other both forcing it.

She bowed her head and turned to leave, as she reached the bridge leading to the throne room the king spoke again. “I will have a present for you next time you come Arasseth.”  She smiled back at him once more and then walked over the narrow pass. When he had pronounced her name the blissful feeling did not return instead it was replaced by a chill that was so cold it made winter cower.

She walked at a very fast pace to her room in order to retrieve her bow, change into clothes that were more suitable for travel, gather a few things and leave. When he room came into view she sighed, Tatharon was leaning up against it, his hair loose and brushed back. He had removed his armour and was dressed in his tunics with his sword still at his side.

‘If you are thinking about leaving now you can forget about it.’ He had spoken to her with his mind, something they rarely did unless they were in combat or sticky situations. He moved aside letting her open her door but followed her into her room. ‘It is unwise to travel when angry, especially at night’ He leaned on her bed post looking at her while she walked around. She was stuffing her saddle bags with more and more anger, not towards Tatharon but towards the king. ‘Arasseth’ She stopped and looked over at him, her breathing was fast and irregular. The ellon walked over to her and embraced her into a hug that she did not fight. ‘If you want to leave that bad I will come with you, I wouldn’t want you killing things that are supposed to stay alive.’  She sighed and nodded.  He let her go and kept his strong hands on her shoulders. ‘Meet me at the front gate in an hour, I still need to gather up my things and request the permission to travel.’

She nodded once more and he left her alone.  She changed into brown leather pants, a long forest green tunic and swung a warm sleeved cloak around her shoulders; she felt cold and wasn’t able to shake off the feeling. After gathering supplies in the kitchen she walked down to the stables to find her and Tatharon’s horse ready to leave, an order must have been sent. She tied on the food supplies and saddle bags and spent a few minutes whispering to her steed, wrapping one arm under his neck and leaning her face in it as well. She closed her eyes trying to block out her painful and poison emotions.

 Tatharon snapped her out of her state when he cleared his voice. She turned around to look at him but only anger covered his features. 

‘What troubles you gentle Tatharon’ she looked at her horse then back at him and decided to mount right away. ‘Come we shall speak while we ride’ He nodded and obeyed her. The rode out the front gates the wind blowing bringing with it the early chill of fall , the ellon only spoke up after they were deep into the woods and used his voice instead of his mind.

“I know what the king has done to you, I will not forgive him. Are we not a civilized race that marries for love?” He spat out the last part.

She froze up and quickly replied. “I am not his lover, simply a friend.” He rode up next to her and slowed back down to her horses walking pace. “Oh please, you can’t fool my elven eyes. You felt deeper affection than friendship for the king, but sadly he did not seem to care that much for it. He threw away a beautiful, wise, strong and intelligent elleth like you for a greedy, infatuated throne seeking…”

“Tatharon, we might have a close relationship but we both knew it would go nowhere and had no potential, we are good friends and I will support him no matter what. As for the future queen, she will soon have the power to cut out your tongue so I would watch what you say my friend.” She had cut him off and gave him a serious look. 

He sighed and pulled his gloves on tighter. “I guess you are right about the queen, but I still do not agree with my king’s actions, fake love for better commerce. I can’t help but feel sorrow for his children.”

She looked in front with a pained expression and quietly spoke “maybe they will love each other one day. Love can be a confusing and challenging thing at times and can be found in mysterious places. It starts as a seedling that is then gifted with water and then it grows into a beautiful and strong tree.”

“I’m aware of how love works gentle Arasseth.” He looked at her knowingly and she lightly smiled back at him.

The rode quietly and the sun rose slowly on the horizon an hour into the trip; they had left late in the night. Deciding it would be best to stop and rest a little they ventured off the main path onto a smaller less traveled road towards a neighbouring elven village.

Tatharon stopped his horse and she did the same, he looked worried and made no sounds. ‘were being watched’ He thought to her.


DUN dun dun!

What next? Were you expecting a happy ever after?

Don’t be afraid to comment or message me!

Until next time readers,


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