Chapter 7.

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Hello readers! Sorry it's been a while, I've been busy with school and applying for university.

Hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me c:

Have fun reading!


She pushed the large oak doors open, a few stable workers stoppe what they were doing to look at her. She stormed in, her boots thumping against the cobble stone and she nodded at Tatharon. Tatharon nodded back. He was a great worrier and one of the best ellons to have in the royal guard. He was only a few years younger than her but a great friend; they had chatted and dinned many times on their down time. He was often in her kingdom, escorting ellons and elleths back and forth.

He walked up to her, his long brown hair braided back into a worrier braid; it was the most effective way to wear long hair. He fell into step beside her andsaluted her with a hand over his heart; Arasseth did the same in return.

"Leaving so soon Arasseth?" The ellon said looking down at her with a sincere smile.

"No, just going for a much needed ride. If I was planning to leave you would be much more busy my friend." She stopped at the stall where her young stallion was. The horse shook its head when she spoke to him in elvish. She placed her hand on his soft nose and turned to look at Tatharon.

"Also there are no saddle bags and I do not dress like this for long journeys."

He smiled at her and chuckled, he was dressed in dark brown leather pants and boots with a forest green tunic. His shoulders were covered in light armour, each piece shaped like a leaf making it look like he had dragon scales. His sword was by his side, his gloved hand resting on the pommel. He must have been busy with guard duties and was just a coincidence that he was in the stables.

"Mind if I join you Arasseth? You are without your bow and the king would have my head if you left the castle without your weapon of mass destruction." He had walked around her not waiting for her reply and went a few stables down picking up two saddle blankets and bridles. Tatharon handed her a set when he passed her going to his own horse.

"Even if I say no you're going to follow me anyway, gentle Tatharon."

He chuckled at her comment while placing the birdle on his mares head and walking her out of the stables. Arasseth followed not far behind with her steed that was containing all his energy but was itching for a run.

Once mounted Tatharon look at her with a raised eyebrow and a smile on his lips. "You know they say the greenwood elves are less wise but more dangerous... you could have fooled me. Your wisdom is even greater than Elrond at his best moment. " he said sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes at him and laughed urging her horse to start walking and they slowly wade their way into the forest side by side. "You were not wrong about more dangerous, it best be wise you remember I could crush you with my little toe." She flicked her braid behind her shoulder and glanced over at him, he was giving her one of his 'I'd love to see you try' looks.

She leaned forward and whispered in her black beauty's ear and the young stallion surged with power bolting down the path in the woods, leaving her friend in the dust but soon after he was hot on her trail. They cleared the woods and galloped through a large hay field, it had become a race and they both knew the finish line was the other side of the river.

The two horses were side by side racing with all their might, both elves whispering words of encouragement in their ears who flicked back and forth. She could feel her stallion's heart racing between her thighs and he was starting to loose speed. The young horse was very fast but still unexperienced. Tatharon took the lead and the river came into view. She encouraged the black youngster and he gained a little speed but not enough.

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