You Made Me Feel(Ds!Error x Ds!Ink)

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Error's POV*

Me and Ink were meeting again to our secret place again. Both of us are friends but no one knows about it. Except for my teammates they actually know about it well Ink doesn't know that I told them I mean he doesn't need to know everything right. I kinda think I have feelings for him but I think it's kinda pointless he's emotionless. I feel a little bit bad for him. Maybe I'll go try and confess to him so I'll know what he thinks about me... Wait- No no no!!! I can't it will ruin our friendship maybe he'll never talk to me again I can't let that happen! I can't I just can't... Come on Error you can do this it's not like it's the end of the world... What if he ignores me-

I was suddenly cut off from my thoughts when someone poked me making me screech and jump a bit making me stumble on the floor... I looked up to see one of my friends Devote she smiled at me awkwardly and mumbled "Sorry for that.." she gave a hand forgetting about my phobia for a second until she retracted it back to herself and "Oop forgot you have haphephobia..." I just laughed a little and stood up then said in a glitchy tone "It's alright..."

Then I began to pace out... What will he think about me?


What if he hates me after it...

"Error... Hello???"

No I can't let that happen... I was cut off from my thoughts upon hearing two loud pans being crashed together... I looked at where it came from my friend looking at me with a worried look...

"Error please tell what's bothering you?" She looked at me with a concerned face with a slight smile...

"I... I can't tell you-" I teleported away from her... I hope she understands... I was here at the spot we or me and Ink were meeting I smiled a little at the thought...I was tired my eyes started to close until I drifted to sleep...

*Ink's POV*

Me and Error are going to meet later without anyone knowing except for me and Error. That means sneaking outside the JR. without Dream's permission maybe I should leave him a note so he won't suspect anything I thought... I sighed and went to a desk taking a sheet of paper beside me I started to write on the paper thinking every single word to write on it after a little while I finished writing the note.

I went to Dream's office seeing him not there. I know I'm supposed to feel nothing without my vials or near Dream but why do I feel something whenever I am near Error. I am now writing the note after writing it I put it on Dreams table and go. I teleported to where we usually meet and I saw Error already there asleep sleeping soundly... I chuckle escape my mouth I felt happy... For some reason I wasn't suppose to feel it without any aura... What was I feeling?... I saw him shifting in his position. He started to open his sockets looking at me. He jumped a bit surprised...

I blushes a little at his cuteness I know I fell for him but the question was... How??? (The power of I M A G I N A TI
I O N. Ds! Ink: Shut up Recondite-) I'm supposed to be emotionless without my vials or Dream's aura... Maybe I'll tell him...

I-Ink?.... S-sorry for falling asleep... He said looking away from me

No need... I understand you looked tired..

I-I want to tell you something... We both said in unison...

"You go first-" error and Ink said unison again...

"Fine I'll go first .... Well I-" I was suddenly cut off by Error saying something making me shock...

Well I like you! *Error blushes a bright yellow then mumbled* It's okay if you Donnie me back... *he smiles at me with a bit disappointment jn his voice while saying that*

I look at Error bluntly and kiss him he was suprised by my actions but kisses back. I'm guessing he overcomed his fear.

I like you too. You made me feel something I didn't feel. *I smiled at him with happiness*

(722 words)

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