Please Stop (Ds!Dream x Ds!Blue)

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(This was requested by Star_Fruit_Lover I think cause I forgot)

Author's POV

It was late at night no one at the Jr's headquarters was awake except for Dream of course. He jus had TOO much paper work to deal with that's why? Blue was getting worried about his health Blue was at him and Dream's room they share a room when they had started dating each other. Dream was still at his office while Blue was inside their room sleeping. But for somewhat he woke up feeling that no one is beside him and he sits up then sees Dream is nowhere to be seen realizing that he was at his office working papers. He stood up and went there.

Blue's POV

I groan in annoyance standing up I already told him already too many times to stop overworking himself. I just sigh and opens the door of our room going out then closing it back then started to go to his office I knock on the door though it was already open so she opens it...

"Dream please stop doing this to yourself you need to sleep please..." I said

"No Blue leave me alone I need to finish my work..." Dream replied yawning from sleepiness

"Dream just go to our room so you could sleep..." I replied again

"I can't these papers are due to next week.... I have still much more to finish.." Dream replied again

"If you aren't going to sleep I'll force you to..." Blue said

"Like what?" Dream said

"I'm breaking up with you..." I said

"Wait no- Fine only for once..." Dream said standing up 

I smiled in victory then led him to our room to sleep. I opened the door then Dream went in while I followed.. He layed down on bed then I went back to sleep before saying "Night Dream.." then I fell back to sleep...

Dream's POV

He didn't even say 'Good night to me properly' I was a little mad and due to the fact he was hugging a pillow instead of me. So I hugged him then threw the pillow he was hugging as soon as I threw it he woke up. "Hey what was that for?" Blue said pissed and I simply replied "For hugging a pillow instead of me..." 

Blue hugs Dream back blushing and said "Is this better?" then Dream replied with a "Of course... It's much better..." then I immediately fell asleep due to me having no sleep in the last few days. "Sweet dreams to you too Dream..." Blue said kissing Dream's forehead...

(Hope you guys enjoyed! If I did some wrong types please tell me I'm sleepy while doing this)

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