Please Don't Die(Ds!Nightmare x Reader)

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(REQUESTED BY: @Emeraldgaze18 )

Author's POV

It was a bright sunny day Y/N was getting ready to work for the Justice Reigns. Y/N was a member of the Justice Reigns for a long time now but there was a problem that she kept a secret for a long time it was that she liked the most wanted on their list Nightmare. The first time they saw him they kinda fell in love with him. Real cliche right love at first right? Though falling in love with him secretly did made her question that maybe Dreams objective was wrong all along? She went to the cafeteria so she won't be late for breakfast. After eating breakfast Y/N was told to report to Dream's office immediately.


Why do I need to report at Dream's office? I didn't do anything wrong didn't I? I stopped when I was now infront of his of office. I knocked on the door and Dream/boss *choose one what to call him* replied and said.

Come in.
*I opened the door* What do you need Dream/boss?
Greetings Y/N. You must be wondering why I called you right?
Yes. That is?
I wanted you to watch over our prisoners. *I thought a little bit, he leaves the prisoners most of the time why now?'
The meme squad.

I widened my eyes shocked that they got caught. Since they were hard to catch. Out of all the monsters and humans that are in our wanted list they always manage to escape.

Wait. Here are the keys to their cell. Don't let them escape. Anyways their cell door is ***. Alright, is that clear?
Yes sir.

I went out of Dream's office and went were the cell's were. When I found their cell. I saw him 'Nightmare' I blushed. No bad Y/N! I looked at them once again.

Author's POV

After a few hours it was time to eat and everytime when she does Finch watches over the meme squad. To be straight to the point it became a routine... wake up, take a bath, watch the meme squad, go eat, watch the meme squad again and eat then slept.
But then something changed...
It was the day of Nightmare's execution for Dream he think he knew what he was doing if he killed Nightmare every single negative thing in the multiverse was going to be gone. Oh no, he was wrong it will be a day were one of his allies will leave him... It was Y/N...


I was wondering around the building to try to find what to do. Dream told me that it was now unnecessary to watch them so I went to Dream's office but he wasn't there as I was trying to find him I saw Nightmare's gang wait did they escape? As I was about to go to them I suddenly heard someone and it was Dream I saw him holding his sword up to Nightmare going to kill him while two other guards held his friends. As Dream held it up I immediately acted fast and pushed him as I did that he was surprised that I attacked him before he could stand up shadows attached to him. I was surprised in a matter of minutes Cross, Error and Nightmare came to the hooded person came to me and invited me to come with them since I might get wanted also wanted for helping them.


We were now at their house and the hooded person introduced their self as Dismantled(Yes I inserted my oc don't like stop reading) and said that I could stay here and told me that Nightmare their leader wanted to talk with so she left. What does he want to talk about? He went infront of me and asked.

Nightmare Y/N

I wanted to ask you this why did you save me?

It's because I-I like you... *Y/N said blushing*

Sorry but I just barely knew you so no. What's your name anyway?

It's okay I understand and my name's Y/N.

So like what Myst said you'll be staying here Dream might put you in their wanted list as a sign of thank you for saving me.

Author's POV

After that Nightmare introduced Y/N to the others and explained to them the situation. They all welcomed Y/N to their house. Y/N pretty much got along with the team even though at first they didn't trust at firstbut soon did. Months later they all got along very well you might also say that Y/N is also a part of their team but happy endings always come to an end. While they were on a walk it was a very unfortunate for them to see Dream and after that came to a point they fought for their lives.

*After one epic battle*

Dream was now in a victory in killing Nightmare but when it was to hit Nightmare someone blocked the attack and it was Y/N. They were now bleeding and injured badly. Dream was shocked of their actions and tears begun to drip Nightmare's face seeing of what happened. The others saw what happened they came to Nightmare and teleported out of that place. Nightmare was still sobbing and the other's also begun weepi

Y-Y/N t-tell me this isn't true...p-please don't die!!! Why are you doing this to me! You're dying now that I've felt something for you... Y/N I love you...

The other's were shocked of hearing Nightmare's statement. Y/N smiled back at Nightmare and said...

I love you too...

After that they had died. Nightmare begun to sob more and the other's came to him to comfort him....

Dismantled: Don't worry they're in a better place now. Besides they won't be happy seeing you cry so please stop....

(952 words)

This is also a rewrite...

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