Chapter 9

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After food, they both decided to have a glass of wine, with Beam lounging on the couch and Forth on the floor leaning against the other couch. The atmosphere was relaxed and Forth looked around the living room and suddenly asked, "What's with all the white and grey? Are you planning to paint or bring any color into the space at all? "Why? What's wrong with this?" Beam asked. Forth shrugged and said, "nothing. It's just so clinical and impersonal. Not warm and doesn't feel homey. I don't think it suits you at all.

Beam sighed and said, "According to my dad, bright colors are for fools and children." "What do you think?" asked Forth. Beam just said, "I don't know." Because he really didn't. He had never really thought about what he wanted. Forth looked intently at him and said, "I think colors bring warmth and energy into a space. They stimulate the senses and emotions." Beam snorted and said, "Well, no one can accuse me of being in touch with my emotions." And downed the rest of his wine.

Forth took a second and said, "I don't think so. I think there is a person in there, emotional, passionate, and empathetic. You just need to take some time to get to know him." Then he teasingly said, "All work and no play makes Beam a dull boy. Beam smiled bitterly and said, "well, even after I put in all that time at work, people still underestimate me and doubt my skills. All because they think I'm too you or that I'm too inexperienced, even though I prove myself every day." Then he just shook his head and said, "forget it. You wouldn't understand" dismissively.

Forth sat up straighter and said, "Well I can, if you tell me." That made Beam look up at him and he said teasingly, "Look at you Mr. Advice-Central. I can shell out some gems of advice too you know." Forth chuckled, bowing his head, he said, "lay it on me."

Beam sat up and leaned his elbows on his knees, "For starters, you're not a savvy businessman because you didn't charge me up front and you're putting in way too many hours for it to be profitable. You're way past everything that you put in your proposal." He said with a smirk.

Forth's eyes darkened and he gave him a sultry look and said in a deep voice, "Well, Dr. Beam, did it ever occur to you that I was giving you special treatment?" Beam blushed and looked away. Forth thought that he was making Beam uncomfortable, so he pulled back and laughingly said, "I might not be the savviest businessman or financially the wisest, but I have run a successful business for the past five years. Beam laughed and said, "Touché!"

Staring at Beam, Forth asked, "So, I take it that I'm too rough around the edges and unsophisticated for you?" That surprised Beam and he immediately got defensive when he said, "I just happen to go for more straightlaced men. It's just a preference. Forth looked disappointed and he said softly, "So, you're just going to judge by the cover."

Beam ignored that comment and asked, "What about you, what kind of people do you prefer?" "I don't have a preference, not even gender, I can date literally anyone I find attractive" he said with a resigned smile. Beam was not ready to explore that. So, he just teasingly said, "Aah so you're a player." Forth chuckled and said, "Nope. Just an architect, I design and build good spaces for good people."

He abruptly got up saying, "Listen, it's really late. I need to go, but thanks so much for dinner." Beam, still seated on the couch said, "Not a problem". "Alright then. I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Forth said and ran out of there like a bat out of hell because he knew that he wouldn't be able to hold himself back for too much longer with Beam looking relaxed, cheeks flush, hair disheveled and pale chest peeking through. That left Beam sitting on his couch very confused with all the feelings that Forth ignited and thoroughly sexually frustrated.

Beam was so thankful that he didn't have to go in to work the next morning because he woke up a pounding headache and a severely dry mouth. That's what he got for not hydrating after all the drinking. He groaned and sat up dreading the day ahead. He felt much better after cooking himself a nice greasy breakfast of some bacon and eggs and a lot of water. Also, the Tylenol really helped.

So, he ran some errands and by evening, he had settled on his couch with his laptop doing some research for an upcoming surgery. He noticed that Forth had come in when he was out but chose not to go and talk to him because he was still very confused as to how the man made him feel.

At around 4:00pm, Forth knocked on the door and walked in, "I just wanted to let you know that I let the guys go home early for the long weekend and I'm going to head out too." Beam just said, "Okay." Forth gave him a determined look and said, "But, I want you to go with me." That had Beam very confused, "Why? Do we need more materials?" "No, I just want to take you on a hike, like a short one." Forth said. Beam was shocked and his eyes grew wide when he asked, "Like a date?" Forth put both his hands up and said, "just a hike." Beam snorted and said, "No way. I don't do hikes." Forth was not going to take no for an answer. He said, "Okay let's go rock paper scissor and the winner, well wins".

Beam lost and that's how they ended up on a hiking trail. He complained all the way up the trail because it was steep, and the weather was hot. He grumbled, "I cannot freaking believe I let you talk me into doing this. What is the point of the hike?" Forth just smiled at him and said, "just try to take in all the nature around you and the views." They went on with it and gradually, as the terrain evened out, Beam started to enjoy it too.

The trail led them to a little clearing and the air just smelled sweeter and felt cleaner. Beam closed his eyes and took some deep breaths thinking maybe it was worth it. The turned around and opened his eyes to a breathtaking view of the valley. His face broke into a blissful smile and he didn't notice Forth staring at his face just as blissfully.

Then out of nowhere, they heard a loud crack of thunder and it started to pour, like someone had flipped a switch. They both got drenched in seconds. Beam started screaming, "Shit! Shit! Shit! What the hell?!" he glared at Forth like he magically summoned the rain and yelled, "Forth, I am going to kill you if I get sick." Forth looked genuinely apologetic and grabbed Beam's hand to drag him along to find some shelter under a tree. "I'm so sorry, it came out of nowhere. I didn't foresee this at all" he said once they reached a tree that would offer them some cover.

Forth and Beam sat there huddled close together and Beam started to shiver slightly, so Forth put his arm around his shoulder and pulled him closer to offer some warmth. Both of them looked at each other and started to laugh because of their predicament. Once the giggles died down, Beam still had a smile on his face and Forth turned and realized that he was so close to Beam and he could not resist it anymore. So, he leaned in and gently kissed Beam's cheek right on his dimple.

Beam gasped and turned to face Forth. Their faces were literally a hair breadth from one another, and Beam could feel Forth's breath on his lips. He saw that Forth's eyes kept darting to his lips and back to his eyes as if asking for permission. So, Beam closed his eyes and leaned in and placed a gentle peck on Forth's lips. Right when he was about to pull back, Forth cupped his jaw with the hand that wasn't on his shoulder and kissed him back.

The kisses started of sweet but soon Forth licked at Beam's lips asking for entrance and Beam moaned and Forth took that opportunity and licked into his mouth, deepening the kiss. Forth was musing about how soft Beam's lips were, even softer than he ever imagined they'd be, when Beam abruptly pulled away and got up. Forth was stunned but he recovered quickly when he realized that the rain had stopped, and Beam was swiftly walking away from him.

Forth caught up with him and the ride back to Beam's place was wrought with tension and neither of them even tried to initiate conversation. When Forth finally pulled into Beam's driveway. Beam, not looking at Forth said tersely, "this is not going to go any further. Good night!" and practically ran into the house, not waiting for Forth to say anything. Beam got in, slammed the door and leaned against it, breathing heavily. He then stared at his reflection at the mirror on the wall opposite to the door and found someone unrecognizable staring back at him. His hair was a mess, his cheeks were flushed, and lips swollen. He just closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the door.

A/N - Ooooh things are about to get steamy. Let me know what you think! I'd really appreciate the feedback. Please and thank you!

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