Chapter 11

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The next morning, Beam woke up and noticed that his pillow felt weird, then he realized that the pillow was actually Forth's naked chest. That shocked him and he jerked away from him and the sudden movement caused his lower back to protest and that twinge of sharp pain brought everything back and he started to panic.

In his panic, he didn't realize that his movement had woken Forth up. Forth woke up and saw Beam sitting up, so he gave him a flirty smile and said, "Good Morning Sleepyhead." Beam looked at Forth, eyes wide and frozen, Forth's smile dropped. Beam realized that he was still naked under the covers and, Forth probably was too and he grabbed the comforter off the bed to cover himself and ran into the bathroom, leaving behind a very confused Forth.

Forth was stunned by his reaction but soon shook himself, got off the bed and slipped into his boxers that he found on the floor. Then he went to the bathroom door and knocked, "Beam, babe, what's wrong?" he asked gently. When he heard no response, he said in the same soft tone, "Please come out and let's talk about this."

Beam just yelled through the door, "This was a very stupid mistake. Please just leave my house." Forth repeated, "Why? What's wrong?" Beam sounded frantic, "No, no, no, this was not supposed to happen. Please leave and don't come back. You don't have to finish the project either." He screamed.

Now Forth was annoyed that he was being so immature and wouldn't even come out and say it to his face. So, he yelled back, "You know what? You're a piece of work!" Beam just yelled, "GET OUT!" Forth shook his head and yelled "You are unbelievable. Fine, you win, I'm leaving" and gathered all his clothes and left.

In the bathroom, Beam was staring at his reflection in the mirror and he looked completely fucked out. His messy hair, the hickeys on his neck and the pain in his backside all seemed to be mocking him calling him irresponsible and immature for having no self-restraint and the voice was very familiar, the one he grew up with, it was all in his dad's condescending tone. He just sighed in defeat and hung his head. He took a long shower trying to wash away all the traces of the night before.

His first day back to work after the long weekend, he was having lunch with Pha and Kit, because their schedules aligned. He had agonized over what had happened over and over in his head and he couldn't take it anymore, he had to tell them to get it off his chest. So, he cleared his throat and when he had both their attention, he blurted, "I slept with Forth!"

Kit reacted just as he expected and he yelled, "YOU DID WHAT?!" when Pha yelled, "WITH WHO?!" and that got the attention od everyone at the cafeteria. Beam was thoroughly embarrassed, and he pleaded with them to quiet down. But he explained to Pha that Forth was the guy Kit had set him up on the blind date with. Kit was still looking at him like he was waiting for an explanation, so he took a deep breath and said, "I know Kit, it was stupid. But it had been so long, and we got wet in the rain, he's hot and everything just clicked." Beam finished with a whine.

Pha, curiously asked, "So, how was it?" and Beam groaned with his eyes closed and said," God, so good!" that prompted Kit to ask, "Is he big?" and Beam flushed and said, "Oh yes!" both of their eyes widened at that and Pha gave him a smirk, but Kit asked, "So, what..." But Beam didn't let him finish, he interrupted him saying, "Nope! You can stop right there. It was a one-time lapse in judgement, and it is over and will never happen again. I even fired him.

Kit's eyes bugged out and he grabbed Beam's arm and squeezed, "You did what?!" he hissed. Beam pried his hand off his arm and griped "Ow Kitty! Get your paws off me. That really hurt." Kit huffed and said, "Good!" then he continued, "Why in God's name did you sleep with him and then fire him?" "Umm because it would be awkward, because I won't ever let that happen again." Beam stated like that should be obvious.

Pha, who was just watching up until then asked, "Why? Why won't you give it a shot?" Beam rolled his eyes and stated, "Him and I, we'll never work. Pha gave him a shrug and said, "Well no one said that you have to marry the guy. If the sex was good and both of you enjoyed it, why can't you keep the physical thing going? Having fun is not illegal you know." That gave Beam pause and he did not know how to respond to it. Lucky for him, it was already time for them to go back to work, so he got away with a promise to call them later.

But he could not get rid of Pha's words from his head. He kept thinking about it and the more he thought about it, the more it started to make sense. He thought to himself, why not enjoy it while it lasts. He agonized over this the rest of the week. He hadn't seen Forth at all the whole week. But the work was getting done and progress was being made in the backyard. That meant that Forth had not heeded his words about not completing the project but was obviously avoiding him and that bummed him out, even though he was the one that kicked Forth out.

That weekend, Beam was sitting on his couch, trying to get some work done, the operative word being 'trying', because he was so distracted that he was not succeeding in accomplishing much. That's when he noticed Forth in his backyard. Beam walked up to the sliding glass door, almost on autopilot. When he slid the door open, Forth saw him and paused what he was doing. He looked Beam up and down almost like he was taking a mental picture and cleared his throat and said, "Sorry, I was just grabbing the last of my tools. You won't see me again and don't worry about the balance." And turned around to leave.

Beam called out, "Wait. Please don't go." Forth paused and turned around. Beam was looking at him with pleading eyes and a slight pout on his lips. Forth thought to himself how unfair it was that he could never say no to that face and immediately marched up to Beam and pulled him into a deep and passionate kiss to convey all the frustration and longing he had felt that past week.

As the hands around his waist tightened, Beam clung to Forth's neck and pulled him into the house. They went straight to bed to make up for all the lost time. After they made love several times and tired each other out, Forth laid on his back with Beam on his chest. Forth ran his fingers through Beam's soft locks while Beam played with Forth's fingers on his other hand.

Though Forth just wanted to lay there and enjoy that moment, with Beam in his arms, he knew that they needed to talk. So, he took a deep breath and called in a soft voice, "Beam!" he continued when Beam just said "hmm" but didn't move. "I know that you get overwhelmed easily, and that is not a criticism. So, let's not label this, whatever this is. Let's take things slow and see where it goes. Okay?"

Beam then looked up at Forth and in his eyes, he saw sincerity and some other emotion, deeper than that, which he wasn't ready to deal with. He just smiled and leaned up to give him a kiss and whispered, "Sounds good to me!" against his lips. Forth broke into a grin and kissed him back and they did not leave the bed for a few more hours.

A/N - Votes and comments fuel my soul because I'm a Validation Whore!  No, on a more serious note, I'd appreciate the feedback. Please and thank you!

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