The truth.....

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Authors note: hi everyone! I forgot to say in the last chapter, my friend jessgirl46 just started on wattpad and she only has 2 followers, so go follow her she would love that XD

Rythian pov:

I looked out the window and saw Teep get hit by a laser, I had to fight and beat Duncan at all costs. I ran out the front door, and flew up into the air using my ring of arcane. (the rings of arcane is not its real name, sorry I don't know its real name XD) pointing it at him, i was ready for war.

"Hello Duncan, can you tell me why your here? Or why you shot my friend perhaps?" I spit, everyone of my words dripping with venom. "I'm here on business Rythian, and I shot your dinosaur because he attacked me first" he said, trying so hard to not kill me right there.

"I know what or who your here for Duncan! I'm just wondering why?" I ask still having my ring pointed at his chest, but landing on the ground gently in front of him.

"So you know what my question is, have you seen her?" He asked, his eyes showing a little inanity every time I looked at them. "No I haven't seen her" I reply simply, not taking my eyes off his sword.

"Well I have been to everyone's house and they said the exact same thing, so she has to be at your house" he said walking towards me slowly.

"And how do you know that?" I ask, a challenging smirk working its way onto my face. "Because I'm smart enough to know that your lying" he said, a equally tough smirk on his face.

All of a sudden he bolted for the front door, closing it behind him with a crash.
"DUNCAN!" i scream, running after him with a angered expression.

Duncan pov:

I run down the hallway, opening every door I came across.'I have to find her' I kept replaying those words in my head. I was starting to worry that she was not here, until I came across the last room in the house.

The door was dark oak, strong on the outside and fragile on the inside. Luckily, one hit with my laser is enough to destroy it. I looked at the sign nailed to the door 'magic room' I read, she would likely hide in here.

I readied my gun to "strong", powerful enough to break the door, but not strong enough to blow up the house. I fired at the door, wood spraying everywhere I stepped through the clouds untouched.

Kim pov: (before door exploded)

Rythian told me to hide in the magic room, he thinks it's the safest room but I think otherwise. I took out my book of magic, and started flicking through the pages for 'offensive magic'.

I came across a spell that could throw someone back, "that's good" I said, raising an eyebrow at the low magic spell.

Suddenly the door to the magic room exploded, sending wood everywhere. "What the heck just happened!" I shouted at the person stepping threw the clouds of smoke.

A familiar man in a lab coat, blond hair and goggles perched on his head came into few. "K-Kim is that you" he said, a look of immense happiness spread across his face.

"Kim be careful up there." Duncan says a little worried but still pointing his gun at me, "duncan I'm always car-" it all came flooding back to me, the portal gun. The TNT. The confession, everything. I grabbed my head in pain.

"Are you ok?" Duncan asked, rushing to my side. "It's all coming back" I said in between breaths, his face suddenly turned to one of shock, and then changed to determined.

Reaching into backpack he pulled out a potion, "drink this, it should give you all your memory's and reduce the pain" he said. Grabbing the potion I drunk it with one gulp.

The pain in my head suddenly disappeared, reliving me for a bit. Duncan sat down beside me, his head leaning down in exhaustion. "D-Duncan I'm so sorry that I forgot about you, I've missed you loads" I said tears streaming down my face. Before I could say another word, Duncan wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug. "I've missed you to Kim" he said resting his head on my shoulder, tears rolling down his face like water down a stream.

Rythian pov:

'Why does Duncan want her so badly!' I thought in my head, I heard an explosion coming from the magic room. "Oh no!" I shouted, rushing towards the room as fast as my legs could carry me.

I could hear voices coming from the room, skidding to a halt I looked round the corner of the exploded door and saw the scientist leaning over Kim, who was lying on the floor in pain.

Anger shot through me, 'how could he do that to her!' I screamed in my head, my eyes glowing a brighter purple glow. I decided to stay in my hiding place and watch from afar, binding my time for the perfect moment to strike.

Duncan pov: (when he stepped threw the door)

It felt like forever since I had seen her. "K-Kim is that you?" I said, happiness spreading across my face. She looked up from the ground, only to bring her hands up to her head her eyes shut in pain.

"Are you ok?" I said rushing to her side, "it all coming back" she said, breathing heavily. Determination filled my eyes, reaching into my bag I took out a health potion.

"Drink this, it should give you all your memory's and reduce the pain" I said, she grabbed it out of my head quickly, and drunk it with one gulp.

I leaned my head down, exhausted, Kim lifted her head and looked me with a sorry expression "D-Duncan I'm so sorry I forgot about you, I've missed you loads" she said tears pouring down my face, with out thinking I wrapped my arms around her, tears streaming down my face "I've missed you to kim" I said a small smile on my face. Finally I had found my squiggle. (Duncan's version of squirrel flux buddies reference XD) 'but she might not always be here....' Lannable said, making my smile turn to a frightened frown....

I had to use that reference XD I can't tell you how happy I am right now! I have so many views!!!!! Thank you so much everyone!!!!😆😆😆😆😆😆

Important note: in this story you all should have realised that Kim will have to choose between Duncan or Rythian (or someone else.....*spoilers*). I think she should sail the dunkim ship, but what do you guys think? Tell me in the comments or home page if you want dunkim or kythian, it's up to you guys!

I want to do a quick shout out for the people who comment, and the people who voted. I can't write everyone who voted because I can't remember you all, sorry if I leave you out:




















This is everyone that I now about, sorry if I left you out don't take it in any mean way. But I thought that as thank you for voting and commenting, that you guys deserve to be included in my book 😊 thank you it means a lot to me!

Ps. I only include you attiyyah because you have included me before, In one of your stories. so don't be all annoying in school ok? XD

( I'm sorry I had to say that XD)

A choice between a scientist and a Mage.....Where stories live. Discover now