A visitor.....

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Duncan pov:

I packed my things and went searching for her. And came home empty handed once again.

I lay in my bed and held one of her flower hair pins for comfort. I hope she's ok out in the open, "I hope she remembers me" I said, that's the most important one if she doesn't remember me then, the voices are sadly right....

Rythian pov:

I was worried. Kim kept having the visions about, Duncan. She would be sitting aside me laughing, and then a second later she would stop suddenly and have a new vision.

We where down in the magic room making a potion of invisibility, and when I handed Kim the almost finished potion, she took it and smiled at me but dropped it, and lifted her hands to her head and screamed.

"What's wrong?" I said shocked at her sudden outburst "it's another vision! But Duncan is standing on the flux sphere! I think he's going to jump!" She said crying and screaming at the same time "and mother is trying to take control!" She screamed again.

Kim pov:

'Come on Kim, it won't hurt I just want control.' Mother said "NO! You will never get control!!!" I screamed at her, 'will I never get it?' She said menacingly 'and how do you no that?" She laughed at my scared face.

Rythian was trying to comfort me, I saw a glint of worry in his eyes. "There, there Kim." He said in a worried voice. "I can't let her take control" I said barely in a whisper.

When the drama of mother calmed down I decided to go on a walk, "Kim! Can you come here a sec!" Rythian shouted at me through the front door.

I ran back to the house and went to the living room and saw a very strange creature. A green reptile was standing aside Rythian, a bow and arrow in its hand or claw.

"What on earth is that" I said getting my red katar from my inventory "this is teep, he's a friend of mine" rythian said smiling.

Teep pov: (a bit before he got to Blackrock)

I was heading towards blackrock, my bow in my right paw. I had missed rythian, it had been weeks since I got lost in the woods. I had many cuts and bruises on my arms, and worse of all I had broken my left paw.

When I got there Rythian ran towards me, wrapping his arms tightly around my chest. "I've missed you so much teep" he said cheerfully, me being mute I only nod happily. This made rythian laugh "still can't talk?" He said smiling, I look down frustrated.

"kim! Can you come here a sec!" He shouted though the front door 'who is kim?' I thought to myself. When she walked in she just stared at me "what on earth is that?" She said getting a shiny red sword out of her inventory.

"this is teep, he's a friend of mine" rythian said smiling at her, I nod at her and but my bow away "follow me teep, I'll take you to the magic room to heal up."

Rythian pov:

I was so happy to see teep again, it had been weeks since he went hunting in the forest. Sadly he's very injured, but at least I can heal him up. "You know your way to the magic room right?" I asked teep, hoping he doesn't have a little amnesia.

He nodded his green head up and down and started walking down the hall, towards the magic room. I sighed in relief. Kim walked beside me daydreaming "your not frightened of him, are you Kim?" I asked her, she snapped out of her daydream.

"Sorry, What did you say?" She said going red with embarrassment, "are you scared of teep?" I said again chuckling at her absent response "no I'm not scared, but I'm shocked to see a dinosaur in are living room" she said in between laughs.

"I was shocked when I first saw him too" I said joining in with her laughter. When we got to the magic room teep went over to a chair and sat down, Kim on the other hand stayed standing but walked over to teep.

Duncan pov:

I didn't bother to sleep, it took up to much time which could be spent looking for Kim. I didn't bother to eat, it also took up to much time. Maybe if I get infected with the flux I will no where she is?

My life had turned upside. One minute I had Kim, science and sanity to having a know people to talk to; and insanity taking over my brain. I had to find her. Or the people of tekkit are in a lot of danger. Danger from me....

Hey everyone, I hoped I wouldn't get over 500 so I could spent more time on this chapter, but I had to get 578 XD I'm happy but also tired. The picture at the top is so miss leading XD Did you enjoy this chapter? Have you enjoyed this story so far? (So many questions XD) one last thing, I have no idea what to write next XD if you have an idea please tell me in the comments, my home page or something i don't mind, but I need your help XD bye! 😆


P.s. Shingeki_no_attiyyah if you ever include me in one of your stories again I will seriously die of shyness (what I'm very shy XD)

PP.s. What's better levi 🆚 eren or, levi💟eren? XD (I think I know your answer attiyyah XD)

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