The hunt for the apprentice...

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Duncan pov:

It had been weeks. I miss her. I need her. "I....I.....I love her" I said the last part out loud, (Blackrock reference XD) my sanity was slowly fading away. The voices where coming back, telling me to give up on her and to carry on with destructive science. Nukes. Bombs. Guns. You name it, that was what they where telling me to make. But I couldn't. I can't. For her.

Rythian pov:

"How do you know some called....duncan?" I said bitterly and barely keeping my voice down, "I don't know I just keep having visions of him...." She says a confused expression on her face. "He is a very evil person, stay away from him ok?" I said knelling down beside her, "ok." She replied simply and walked out of the room as if it never happened.

Kim pov:

'There must be a reason why I have visions of him' I thought to myself in the comfort of my bed, after an hour of daydreaming rythian came into my room an apologetic smile on his face, "sorry if I annoyed you, it's just Duncan's bad news." He said putting his arm on my shoulder.

"It's fine, I just want to why he is so important in my visions." I said leaning my head on his shoulder, when I did this I could see there was a small blush on his face, I smiled happily. 'Why are you happy with him and not me kim?' A unfamiliar voice said, "who said that?" Me and Rythian said in unison "you will find out sooner or later....." The voice said again, fading away faster then it came.

Rythian pov:

"I think I recognise that voice." I said to Kim angrily, "who is it?" She said looking around the room frightened. " I'll tell you soon" I said holding her hand in mine, trying to comfort her.

Her face suddenly turned a vibrant red, I laughed "you blush very easily" this made her face turn it a grin, "it's not my fault! You made me blush!" She said half laughing, half shouted.

Duncan pov:

Every night I had nightmares of her. She was lying on the floor, her whole body covered in the flux. Her eyes an empty void. I woke up, sweating all over "the same nightmare again" I said putting my head in my hands.

The only thing keeping my mind off finding her was science, the voices where getting louder they made me scream at them, like an insane person. "Well there right there" I said to myself.

That night I had the same nightmare, only she was not lying on the floor, but standing up looking at me "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" She screamed at me, her whole body glowing "I'm so sorry kim.....I'm so sorry...." I said falling to floor crying "I DON'T CARE! YOU DON'T EVEN CARE FOR ME!" She screamed again, only this time a ball of flux formed in her hand. She pointed it at me. And fired.

I woke up again, and cried for my lost apprentice. I cried for my flux buddy. (Another reference XD)

I'm soooooooooo sorry this is short. It's just school and homework are piling up🎓 *don't hate me XD* I hope you enjoy this chapter,the next chapter will be out 🔜

Ps. If you have an idea for the next chapter, say in the comments and I will probably take you idea into account. 😃

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