What happened?

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Kim pov:

All I felt was pain. Consuming my body bit by bit. I saw the purple creatures come towards me, "get away!" I try and say but know words come out. I try and move. Nothing. And then my eyes closes slowly, drifting me towards the darkness....

I wake up to see Duncan's pale worried face leaning of me, shock in his eyes. Seeing that I was awake he suddenly wraps his arms around me "I'm so sorry Kim, I should never have chased you." He says not letting me go, blushing I put my arms around him crying and I looked into his blue eyes, "it's not your fault duncan, I should never have gone up there in the first place."

After the flux drama calmed down, we decide the best thing to do was to start working on some science again. "So where does the diamond go?" I say confused with the layout of the crafting grid, "in the middle" duncan replies helping me. He puts his hands on mine guiding me to right spot, blushing a vibrant red I new what would make this moment better "I know what would take our minds off the flux." Grinning he turns my way "and what would that be?" "What else would cheer us up? Let's blow something up!" I say excitedly.

Duncan pov: ( this is before she wakes up)

I saw her in there. Floating around in the flux. It's all my fault, If I didn't joke around about hitting her, this would never have happened. I just sit there my head in my hands thinking of a way I could get her out. I finally decide to go in there myself and save her before it's to late.

Getting a hazard suit I slowly descend into the purple gas, all I can see is darkness no light reaching me, all if a sudden i see her just lying there, not moving or talking. I glide over putting my arm around her waist, I then see the angry nodes coming towards me, annoyed that I was taking there new friend away from them, but I don't care. I would do anything to protect her.

(A while later)

I put my hand on hers, guiding her to the right place. I see that she was bright red after are touch, moving my hands away she grins at me, she always comes up with the best ways of cheering both of us up. I run into my lab and find a stack of TNT just thrown into a random chest, grabbing some red stone and a lever we set of for a village or structure hoping for a big explosion.

Kim pov: * duncans pov was very short, I'm sorry I just don't know what to write*

We decide to walk instead of fly with are jetpacks, it was nice to talk instead of hearing the same silence over and over again. We finally came across a old abandoned house made of cobblestone, which was weird as it clashed with the surroundings. I told duncan to set up a portal and to put the TNT somewhere inside the house, and that I would go back to the castle to get supplies which will help us create a forcefield to protect us from the blast.

When I get back I see duncan flying over head setting up more and more TNT I was looking forward to it, I look down and scream at the sight of my arms. Duncan rushes over comforting me at what I saw, my once tanned arms where now a bright purple with a strange glow coming off them. "Duncan! What is happening to me!" I say crying into his shoulder, his white lab coat stained with my tears. "It's just the side affects of the flux nothing to worry about" he says hugging me even more. "But what if it gets worst?" I ask him worried "I promise you I will get you fixed if it's the last thing I do." Once I calmed down I asked him if I could be left alone for a bit, to see if I could remember my past...


"Dinners ready!" I shout though the open window, a man comes in walking over and kissing me lightly on the cheek, I blush a cherry red and say sweetly "I love you so much" he smiles at me cupping my head in his hands, "I love you too" he leans in towards me, as our lips touch I can smell burning at first I though it was the oven but I was wrong, so very wrong.....

I wake up from the daydream hearing a voice shout my name. "Kim! Quickly the TNT is going off get to the forcefield!" I suddenly remember his voice, it was duncan and then I saw his face. Pale. Sad and worst of all. He was crying. I ran towards him but I was to late, the forcefield had covered him and I was stuck outside, surrounded by stacks and stacks of TNT, but the weird thing was that I had felt this before, it was like remembering my past but living it in the present.

"I love you duncan, please remember me" I say smiling at him on the other side, "please don't die Kim!" He screams but he was to late. The explosion had gone off and I looked into his shocked blue eyes, and in a flash of white light, all that was left was a crater where I used to be standing.

duncan pov:

I see her walk toward a tree, she just sits there not moving or doing anything. I put the last TNT block on the ground and get started on the forcefield. When I had finished setting up the TNT I lay some redstone so when I turn on the forcefield the TNT would be set off, Kim still had not moved she must be daydreaming.

Then it all happened at once. I see a shadow near the lever. I Hear the sound of TNT near by being set off, "Kim! Quickly the TNT is going off get to the forcefield!" I start to cry. It's all my fault, she comes flying over as quick as she can, but she's to late. "I love you duncan, please remember me" she says smiling. I look at her in disbelief, 'she loves me?' But white lights blind me and when I open my eyes a crater is where Kim stood, her body know where to be seen...

Cliffhanger XD So anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Chapter 4 soon. Until next time. Bye!!!!

(In the chapter before this that was chapter 2 and this is chapter 3, sorry I did a mistake in the writing "(≧∇≦)

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