Waking up...

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Author note: there are going to be some short povs in this story, sorry if you get annoyed it's just I'm really stuck in this chapter.

Duncan pov:

I just stood there. Looking at the crater. "Why did I not go with her!" I shouted to myself falling to my knees I started to cry, crying about what would have happened If I was the one who blew up not her. I still remember looking at her when she was outside the forcefield, her face was calm and happy she was ready to die.

Then it hit me, "she will respawn at my castle" I say a glimmer of hope in my voice, but my small amount of hope was crushed when I saw her bed on the floor with the rest of her items from her inventory. New tears formed in my eyes "why did it have to be Kim?" It was only yesterday when i accidentally made her fall in the flux, and now this. I looked up and saw a very familiar site, we blew up a house near the jungle biome where we first met she will respawn there, I got up, gathered all my supplies and headed out knowing I had to do everything in my power to protect Kim.

Kim pov:

"I love you duncan, please remember me" i woke up from the strange dream and stood up to figure out where I was "I must be in the middle of a jungle" I said to nobody in particular then I remembered something, who's is duncan and why did I have a dream about him? But the worst of all my questions was why did I love him?

I looked up at the dark black sky the only light coming from the circular moon, and then I heard the one sound I hoped not to hear, the faint hissing of a creeper it's face blank with no remorse. Run. That's what my whole body told me to do. I just stood there though, not moving hoping it didn't see me. It's square black eyes looked at me, I even thought I saw a smile form on the creatures face.

The creeper slowly came towards me, it's unmistakable hissing sound growing louder and louder. Until a shadow jumped out of a nearby tree and slayed the terrifying beast, and came towards me. I slowly felt numb and fell into darkness.

The shadows pov: (a little bit before she faints)

I was jumping from tree to tree hoping for some more ender pearls, when I hear a faint hissing sound coming from the ground, "well I do need more gunpowder" I say out loud, when I see the creeper from my tree I figure out it's stalking something, I fly to another tree that's closer to the creeper and see a girl just standing there not running away, "she must be its prey" I say getting my red matter sword out of my inventory.

I jump out of my tree and slice the creature in two, pleased with myself I head towards the girl when she saw me her face pales, and closing her eyes she collapses to the ground, without thinking I jump for her catching her in my arms.

Lifting her up I take her back to my house, I look down at her face her black hair was a mess and half her face was purple, I'm not afraid at her sight because she's like me. She's different.

When I get inside I lay her on my bed and feel her pulse "phew" I say smiling, happy that she's alive. Her eyes suddenly open and she looks directly at me, scared she backs up against the wall staying as far away from me as possible.

Kim pov:

I open my eyes to see I'm in another unfamiliar place and a man leaning over me. Scared I back up against the wall, "it's ok I'm not going to hurt you." He says his voice smooth and relaxing, "who are you and where am I?" I say, slowly coming off the wall "oh yeah" he says laughing "I'm rythian and your here because I found you in the jungle getting attacked by a creeper, who are you?"

I look at him ' he looks friendly' my mind tells me, "I'm Kim but I don't remember anything before I spawned." I reply looking at his eyes, seeing me staring he turns around blocking my view of his face "why are your eyes purple?" I ask getting out off the bed and walking over to him, "why are half your arms and face purple?" He says turning towards me and smirking, "all I remember is falling into a weird thing called flux and getting infected with it, what about you?"

He looks at me, his purple eyes glowing "promise me you won't tell anyone" he says his voice a little sterner than usual, he breaths in "when I was a child I went to the end and got attacked by an enderman, some of its blood got into my wounds and now I'm half enderman." He looks worried as if I'm going to run away "Awesome!" I say excitedly, "can you teleport?"

Rythian pov: (this is so short sorry)

I stare at her "your not afraid?" I say still taken back by her reply, "why would I be afraid that's so cool" she say looking at me as if I were a normal person again. "Your the first person to actually understand me" I say smiling at her. She's the first person to understand me. And I have to do everything to protect her from the people who don't understand.

Duncan pov:

When I reach the clearing in the jungle Kim is nowhere to be found, "Kim!" I shouted looking around. I start to cry myself "she should be here!" I shout even louder than before. I looked at the ground and found a trail of foot steps leading into the jungle, "they must be Kim's" I say and following the trail of foot prints, and I started my long journey to find my apprentice.

*So short XD*

Rythian pov:

"Hey Rythian I was wondering remember your half enderman?" Kim asked getting up off the bed and stood in front of me, "yeah" I reply looking into her purple and brown eyes, "do you have powers liking teleporting or something?"

She looks at me, excitement gleaming in her eyes "yeah I can teleport and I can use ender magic" I say smiling underneath my dark purple mask, "oh my gosh! That's so cool, can u show me please?" "Sure" i reply, concentrating I image myself on the bed that she was just lying on, with a flash of purple particles I'm lying on the bed smirking triumphantly "awesome!!!" She screams jumping up and down with excitement.

Kim pov:


"What are you making?" I say a smile forming on my face "just making a plasma cannon." Duncan says smiling proudly "cool! What can it do?" I said jumping up and down with excitement...

"Kim are you alright?" Rythian asked me putting his arm on my shoulder, "yeah but I saw something weird" i answer getting out of his grasp.

Many weeks later.....


look down and scream at the sight of my arms. Duncan rushes over comforting me at what I saw, my once tanned arms where now a bright purple with a strange glow coming off them. "Duncan! What is happening to me!" I say crying into his shoulder, his white lab coat stained with my tears. "It's just the side affects of the flux nothing to worry about" he says hugging me even more. "But what if it gets worst?" I ask him worried "I promise you I will get you fixed if it's the last thing I do"

I wake up with a jolt 'who is duncan?' I say in my mind "oh you don't need to know him my dear, now come to me, come to mother." Someone says their voice sweet and bitter at the same time. "Who said that!" I shout pulling my ruby sword out of my inventory.

"It's only your mother my dear, now come to me" mother says again her voice getting more persuasive by the minute, "NO! Stay away from me!" I scream, the purple on my arms glowing more vibrantly then ever. "Are you ok Kim!" Rythian says running into my room "no mother is trying to take control of me" I say sobbing into his cape, "it's ok Kim mother will never take control while I'm around" Rythian exclaims patting me on the head for a joke. "Rythian can I ask you something?" I asked taking my head off his shoulder, "of course you can!" He say laughing, "by any chance do you know someone called, duncan?"

Hi everyone! I'm soooooooo sorry for the slow update my internet broke XD. Anyway, I hope you like this chapter and thank u so much for reading this story! Also the next chapter may take a while I'm super stuck in this story.

Ps. I just wanna say thank you to my friend shingeki_no_attiyyah for showing me this app. Thanks buddy! XD

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