The start of a very long friendship...

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Kim pov:

I woke up with a strange pain in my head, "ow. Where am I ?" I say rubbing my head to ease the pain. I look around to take in my surroundings, ' tall jungle trees, thick green grass and an ocean blue lake with beautiful fish swimming together happily'. I look down to discover my red kimono was covered in dirt including my arms, trying to clean it off, I decide to go and find a place where I can stay for the night.

A couple of hours later......

"My legs are killing me " I say to myself, jinxing it my legs suddenly gave way beneath me, and falling to the ground I hit my head on one of the only rocks on the jungle floor. My eyes go blurry. My head starts to spin. And all of a sudden the world goes into darkness...

Duncan pov:

I was walking though the jungle biome looking for the one thing I came for. An ocelot. I nearly have enough of their blood to preform my experiment, all I need now was a test subject To try it out on. Whilst daydreaming I trip on a tree branch and fall into a mud pile, angered i decide to blow the branch into a billion pieces with my laser set to super-heat, I turn around to face a shocking site, I didn't trip over a branch but I tripped over a arm. " hello?" I say a little worried if he's dead. I look at his face and find out that he is actually a girl.

Her beautiful black hair came down to her waist, and in her hair was a red Chinese flower that was styled so it stood out on her jet-black hair, she also wore a matching red dress with a golden pattern on it. The bad thing was that her arms and the rest of her body where covered in dirt. I was going to use her as my test subject, but for some reason something in my insane mind told me not to be the mad scientist for once, but to take her back to my castle. I agreed with it.

Kim pov:

I woke up, the pain in my head gone for the moment. Looking around I see that I'm lying in a bed, that I'm still covered in dirt and that I have know idea where I was. A man comes into the room looking at me to see if I had woken up yet "I see your awake." He says relief in his voice, " who are you and where have you taken me?" I reply back to him never taking my eyes off him. Slowly I tried to take in his appearance: he had greasy blond hair, a filthy white lab coat, strange googles sitting on top of his head and blue eyes which somewhat relaxed me. "What am I saying I don't even know him!" I say to myself. "Um....I'm Duncan by the why, who are you?" He said rubbing his head to try and relax the situation. "Kim." I say looking away from his beautiful blue eyes. " beautiful!" What am I saying! Annoyed at myself I decided to say "why am I here?" To him, not worried if he is shocked to see that I'm finally talking to him, "your here because i found you in the near by jungle, so i decide to take you back to my castle." He says looking into my eyes, relaxing me.

Duncan pov:

I am happy she's awake, luckily her fall did not cause too much damage but only made her lose some of her memory. " so Kim?" I say trying not to sound too weird, "I was wondering if you have a home you can go back to when you leave?" "why are you asking me that? do you what me to stay or something?" I can see she was smirking after her comment, knowing that I was caught off guard "what know! I was just wondering if you wanted some help learning some science whilst your here." I say with an unusual wacky smile on my face. " sure but on one condition, you wash your filthy hair, it's like looking into a bucket of oil." She says having a laughing fit, " ok fine, but you have to make sure you have some respect for me. me being your teacher" I try and say but I'm drowned out by her sweet, sweet laughter.

2-3 weeks later:

Kim pov:

" hey duncan have you seen my portal gun?" I say looking through one of my many chests, "um....oh yeah it's in my inventory." He replies not looking up from the crafting table, "what are you making?" I say a smile forming on my face "just making a plasma cannon." He says smiling proudly "cool! What can it do?" I said jumping up and down with excitement, "I can test it on you if you want?" He says pointing the ball of electricity at me I reply sounding panicked "what No! I would rather not die." He doesn't take no for an answer, chasing after me he says playfully "oh come on, can I at least hit you once?" "No! Stay away." I say landing on a strange sphere filled with a creepy purple substance, "Kim be careful up there." Duncan says a little worried but still pointing his gun at me, "duncan I'm always car-" but that was all that came out before I fell through a hole in the top of the sphere, submerging me in the purple void.....

Hey yognaughts how are you all doing? So anyway this is my first story, I think it's good what do you think? I will carry on this story only if I get: 1 read and 1 comment. see you next time, bye!
~ mikasa7711

A choice between a scientist and a Mage.....Where stories live. Discover now