Chapter 5

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1 month before season 2

(Y/n) pov

(Y/n): perverted laughter How do people come up with an idea like this. Pushed off a tree branch by a god into the girls bath. I can only imagine a scenario like that happening to me. I can see it now I just walk straight in there like I belong and they come running to me asking if they can help me wash myself. Ahh I'm so glad I can still have my old emotions and personality I don't think I'd want to live without it

Alarm: ring! ring! ring!

(Y/n): It's time to go back to work now puts the book in the desk drawer and hears a knock on the door  Come in

Kohina: Papa I was playing in the garden and this raven landed on my shoulder with a letter

(Y/n): put his hand under his chin Hmmmm

Kohina: Is this the raven that turns into a milf

(Y/n): How do you know about that!

Kohina: You talk in your sleep

(Y/n): rubs the back of his head Remind me to create ear plugs for you

Kohina: Ok. So does it turn into a milf

(Y/n): I don't know let me ask it. Can you turn into a milf

Raven: Caw

(Y/n): What's your favorite color

Raven: Caw

(Y/n): What's you hobbies

Raven: Caw

(Y/n): You dirty girl

Kohina: What did the bird say

(Y/n): turn around as the ravens pecking at his mask I don't know I don't speak bird. Let me see what this letter the letter

Kohina: What does it say

(Y/n): It's from my followers in the Slane Theocracy. They are ready to make their move and overthrow the current ruler. They want to meet me to raise the morale of everyone at a church. Then help if it is needed

Kohina: So you'll be in charge of another country papa

(Y/n): Yup the pieces are starting to fall in place. If I control two countries it will make it easier to conquer the Empire granting me more of a foothold in this world. I'll need it if I plan on taking Nazarick from that bag of bones

Kohina: That's the perfect plan

(Y/n): It wasn't my original one to begin with but I guess it will do

Kohina: What was the other plan

(Y/n): Using another one of my creations Creators Delight a invention of mine that allows the user if they know how to operate the machine unlimited possibilities for summoning allies that they may have seen whether it be fictional or another member of the guild. That's what makes it the most dangerous of my inventions. The worse part is that I can't find it's location so that's why I came up with a second plan

Zeon: Any characters in mind  if he finds the device again? I don't want to add to many so I'll chose a few

Kohina: Does that mean you could  make me another mama

(Y/n): If I can find it but even if it's dangerous that's not my priority right now. That belongs to taking over the Theocracy. Ace!

Him and his daughter teleport into a a building in the Slane Theocracy

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