Chapter 11

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(Y/n) is currently in his chair reading a report on how much product was destroyed by Blue Rose.

(Y/n): So you mean to tell me only half of the goods were moved before they arrived.

Man: Yes sir they attacked much sooner then we expected and our security could not do much against such high ranked adventurers.

(Y/n): How much does this set back our profits?

Man: By approximately 6 months.

(Y/n): 6 months! Do you realize how much of a big deal that is. Losing a months product isn't that bad but 6 months going to be a pain to endure.

Man: I'm sorry on behalf of my section of your organization.

(Y/n): Just get out of here.

Man: Yes sir. Leaves

(Y/n): Their all so useless. I give them a warning beforehand so we wouldn't lose so much of our goods. It was a lot easier back then when I had a lot of people I could count on to get the job done. Takes a bite of jerky It's been a while since I last had this

Kohina: Papa I'm back!

Yuki: She behaved really well. Only one person was turned into a corpse.

(Y/n): Seems like someone is learning more self-control.

Kohina: Because I want you to praise me and give me headpats.

(Y/n) starts patting her head

(Y/n): Who's a good girl. Keep it up and I might give you a prize.

Yuki: Can I get on as well.

(Y/n): Uh you do realize your a grown woman right and not to mention your not my daughter so.

Yuki: *I'm going on the right path already since he see's me as a woman. Now I only need to get his daughter to like me more then boom married with children.*

(Y/n): Hey, you okay you were spacing out there for a while.

Yuki: Yes I am d-lord (Y/n)

(Y/n): Don't call me lord just call me (Y/n). It's not like I have a kingdom or something.

Kohina: Yes you do you rule the Slane Theocracy.

(Y/n): Oh yeah I forgot about them. Well still just call me (Y/n) I was never much for formalities.

Yuki: Can I ask you something?

(Y/n): You already are.

Yuki: ......

(Y/n): That was a joke.

Kohina: I got it papa.

(Y/n): So go on ahead as long as it's nothing like if I'm a grower or shower then we're golden.

Yuki: Why did you let your for take a book that has information on your former friends.

(Y/n): Because it's useless anyway. None of them are in this world with us and I can sense it. This world is full of weaklings mere   preformers in need of a ringleader to give them structure. This world is boring but I can sense some people that caught my attention. I'm in no hurry so I'll let them come to me.

Yuki: Well I've been meaning also ask sort of inhuman are you.

(Y/n): Hahaha good one I. Wait your serious?

Yuki: Yes.

(Y/n): It's not that I don't trust you but that's a secret I'll keep to myself I always need a trump card at my disposal. All I'll say is one of those lines strike the deepest to my identity in case you didn't understand the others I left.

Nazarick' s Ringleader [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now