Chapter 4

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Zeon: I'd personally want to see Garfield vs Ghostrider . Which one would you want to see the most

Kohina: Papa did you really have to kill all those people in public

(Y/n): I am the jury and the judge. Unfortunately for them they were found guilty

Kohina: What was the reason for showing yourself

(Y/n): The reason is quite simple my dear daughter. What do people fear the most the shadow under their bed or the monster itself

Kohina: The monster

(Y/n): Exactly so then when that same monster shows how much power they have over you what would they do

Kohina: Listen to what ever they say to not make them angry and live

(Y/n): Correct. Now let's see what information I can find about these other nations

In the castle

Renner: Father what do we do

Ramposa  III: We have no choice but to submit. No one in this kingdom can oppose him not even our strongest warrior was a match for him. All we can hope is someone stronger can help us

Renner: I agree father but you know the nobles will be furious with you and Baruburo will do something idiotic

Ramposa III: Sometimes he leaves me questioning if he is my spawn

Renner: Farewell father bows then leaves
*This was such a stressful day I need to see my little pet Climb*

(Y/n) pov

(Y/n): So what I can tell is the Theocracy is racist to every specie that isn't human. Then the Empire is the most well off of the three nations not racist or dying from the inside because of corruption. I think it would make the Theocracy the easiest target for my experiment.

Kohina: What's your experiment?

(Y/n): I plan to start a cult and see if it will cause the nation to crumble when it's ideals are challenged

Kohina: Don't you have enough with being in charge of a underground organization

(Y/n): It's always good to prepare for worse case scenario. If this goes south I'll still have influence somewhere and have something to do

Kohina: How are you going to start it

(Y/n): With this pulls out a canister

Kohina: What's in the canister?

(Y/n): I'd tell you but then I'd have to kill you. Anyways this is a world tier crafted by my own hands it took years to make. (Insert name here since writer can't think of one). This bad boy when released causes the infected to become fanatics for me believing me to be a powerful godly being. It also spreads quick depending on how much that person interacts with objects and people

Kohina: So it's like a virus

(Y/n): Your words not mine. Anyways let's do this their giving me Trash flashbacks thinking their superior to every other species

Kohina: It's going to be a long walk

(Y/n): pulls out a deck of cards That's why I have these

Kohina: What are cards going to

(Y/n): Another of my creations each card when left somewhere it allows the individual holding the same type of card to teleport there in a instant.  Spade teleports in to the city of the Theocracy in a hidden base Easy enough

Kohina: Papa your a genius

(Y/n): Thank you now let's find our first test subject. Look there they are points to a guard *If I can control those who protect the nation first this will finish much quicker and easier since they interact with many people everyday and without people to protect them civilians will be more likely to find something to help them* Watch out! There's a goblin coming for your ass!

???: Goblin! Where! They must all die!

Guard: Since when are goblins gay!

(Y/n) throws the canister at the guard hitting him and runs

Guard: Who cut the cheese? Coughing Why an I questioning my beliefs?

(Y/n): Alright now let's get back to base I have yoga at 12 teleports

Kohina: So is the item a one time use

(Y/n): Nope it creates a new one and returns to me when it's finished. *Wish I could have figured out how to do that with food and drinks*

Grunt: Boss one of our guys is about to jump some rich lady in the forest want to watch

(Y/n): * I think jump and lady don't mean the same thing it would regularly especially in a forest. I'll do yoga tomorrow with singing practice* Alright sounds entertaining at the very least

Grunt: Alright I'll let the boys know

Kohina: Can I come to

(Y/n): What kind of father would I be taking my daughter into a forest of men late a night *When I say that out loud it sound really wrong* Your staying here but take one of my cards incase I need to come back in a hurry gives a heart card I'll see you later daddy little killer walks away

Time skip

Grunt: Alright so that figure you see just standing there is her. It's almost like she's asking to get jumped

(Y/n): *Is that who I think it is... Yup I know thats Peroroncino handy work. That probably means Momonga is watching. Better get rid of these idiots before I do anything* Hey are you blind look at her pale skin and red eyes she's a vampire

Grunt: We need to make a run for it boys!
They all run for the hills

(Y/n): The weaks solution to every problem is to run. Now watch me Momonga. Walks to Shalltear

When I put Ainz he is talking a watching from Nazarick

Ainz: Wait is that (y/n) what is he doing there

Cixous: Is something wrong lord Ainz

(Y/n): Shalltear executive order Ringleaders Rebellion

Shalltear: Order recognized and accepted the one true lord of Nazarick (y/n)

Ainz: * Why are they just standing there. Dang if he wasn't wearing a mask I could tell if he was talking.*

Cixous: What the Nazarick is that lord (y/n)

Ainz: Uh yes

Cixous: Why is he just standing there with lady Shalltear

(Y/n) looks up to where he is being watched like he is staring straight into Ainz eyes. He flashes a middle finger at him

Ainz:* How does he know I'm watching him..... Oh sh*t I forgot he gave us this item*
Stops using the item Well it didn't look like he was planning on helping us by defeating her. I'll have to do this myself

Cixous: Lord Ainz what will you do about Lady Shalltear

Ainz: I'll explain later

(Y/n) pov

(Y/n): Honey I'm home.......... I forgot I don't have a wife

Kohina: Papa! Gives him a hug

(Y/n): starts pating her head *I can say daddy's home though. It's still really weird suddenly being isekaied and having a daughter. But it could be worse I could be bonerless like Ainz. Well let's see how this plays out this new card I have been delt by destiny*

Zeon here after writing these chapters I realized how much from season 1 I missed. So I'll rewatch season 2 before writing the next chapter. Zeon signing off

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