Chapter 6

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(y/n): Let's see if I introduce this way of farming in the Kingdom. The amount of food would increase by 80%. This would get one of the main issues in this country to lessen allowing them to focus more on the other problems. Such as fighting the Empire when they attack I think it was the called the Annual Wars. Allowing them to get more food before that happens would also be very important.

(Y/n): Now for the Theocracy. That is the one I trust the most out of the two so far. I feel like introducing guns to this world. I know Cz most likely has ended up here with her guns. However should I create futuristic, modern, or classic guns for my soldiers. That is something I'll need to carefully think about incase people manage to steal them

(Y/n): Alright it's time for a break. I wish I had internet in this world. Reading manga and other things is cool and everything but I miss just watching an anime seeing the characters reactions, actions, and all for my satisfaction. I should find a way to create the internet here

Kohina: Papa there was this man who was riding a white horse and he gave me candy

(Y/n): * So I guess since they don't have vans here they use horses pedo bears never change* Hey take this lollipop instead

Kohina: Ok they trade the candy

(Y/n): Why don't you wait for we outside so we can take a walk

Kohina: Yeah leaves

(Y/n) throws the candy outside the window

kid: It's raining candy! This taste kind of weird

Pedo: come out of the alley in a bug costume Buzz buzz buzz. Oh this is the best day of my life. Grabs the kid and walks away

(Y/n): I'm conflicted if I should laugh or feel sorry for the kid. Eh I run a criminal organization so I guess morals don't really matter anymore

Kohina: Papa you took so long. There was this old man in a bug costume that walked away with a sleeping kid

(Y/n): I'm sure it was just his grandpa taking him home * Yeah his home in his bed* Now let's take a stroll around the kingdom my dearest daughter

Kohina: Can we go to the apple stall

(Y/n): Yeah sure no problem I now a shortcut there so just keep close to me

They start walking to the shortcut

Kohina: Papa watch out!

(Y/n):tripps Oww! Someone call my lawyer who ever did this is getting their ass sued into poverty. Oh it's just a body bag. Who the f*ck leaves a body bag in the middle of a alley

Kohina: You left a body in the alley

(Y/n): Shh nobody knows it was me. Hmm I've been pretty stressed lately. My daughter do you wish to join your father in curb stomping a corpse in a bag

Kohina: Yes

A curb stomp later

(Y/n): That's a such a good way to relax. Wait I think it's bleeding through the bag. Eh let that be someone elses problem. Onwards to the apple stall

Kohina: Carry me

(Y/n): Fine

The two exit the alley just as another person enters it

Sebas: A bag it does not seem like it contains produce most likely a body of some sort send his shadow to cut the bag open and it revealed the body of a woman bruised and beaten Who would treat one of their fellow humans in such a harsh manner. This is absolutely disgusting. * I'm sure Lord Touch Me would share the same view * Crouches down She's still clinging to life I must help her

Whore Lord: What are you doing with my whore

Sebas: So you are the one who did this to her. Look at what you did people like you absolutely disgust me. I'll be taking her with me

Whore Lord: I'll let the customer do what ever they want as long as they pay. After all I always say have it your way. Since the butcher took away my old slogan. We have the meat so prepare to f*ck a freak

Sebas: So you do not even see her as a human being

Whore Lord: Human being she's my property I bought her she's mine to do what ever I want with. However I'll tell you this your a bulter so what if I tell your master that your causeing trouble for a businessman such as myself. Be a good boy and run along back I'm sure they need their dishes cleaned

Sebas: hold the guy by his shirt You won't stop me with threats such as that. My sense of justice will aways out way the cost so I'll take her one way or another

Whore Lord: Fine but you can't take her just like that or it's kidnapping you need to pay gets hit in the face with a sack of coins

Sebas: Keep the change

(Y/n) pov

(Y/n): *I sense that something big is going to happen soon hopefully it won't effect me or my plans. I should probably but some more things to prepare for the worse just in case*

Kohina: Papa I got the apples for free

(Y/n): I see your growing up so fast. Please don't ever forget about your papa even when I'm gone

Kohina: I would never since your the best in the whole world hugs him

(Y/n): Magic spell Shadow legion multiple shadows are summoned Search the city for anyone out of place. They could look normal
but keeping their  true powers hidden. Do not engage them report back to me if you find anything the shadows disappear Let's go back to HQ


(Y/n): Let me tuck you into bed

Kohina: Tell me a story

(Y/n): *Boku No Piko nah I pretty sure it's cursed. Plunder nah I didn't teach her how to count so she wouldn't understand. Goblin slayer eh not for kids. Milf hunter nah that's from my private collection.  I'll just make one on the spot I guess* The story of the king and the fool. There was once a king and a fool. The king never had to work as hard as the fool and was praised for it. However the fool was taken under the wing of the former king taught how to run everything. Unfortunately the former king could not pass the fool as his next successor because all of the court went into a frenzy. Claiming the fool could never rule for he was not even a member of nobility. The fool said to all of them I may not be but you have all have been living in prosperity because of me. The court was enraged by what the fool said. The former king could not calm them down and was forced to banish the fool from his home all those day, months, years of work done for nothing. However he did not stop he picked up the pieces of his life and went to a far away land. Years after the fool was banished the former king passed away the new king took leadership but it did not go as the court expected. The king may have been thought to be the best choice however under his rule the kingdom was collapsing. People roamed the streets hungry, corpse were seen all over the city, riots happened daily, the wealth and prosperity that was once in the kingdom was nothing but a memory. The court was panicking realizing the blunder they made. The fool returned back to the land not as their savior but as their conqueror. The fool took over what he once called home slaughter those who did him wrong and under his rule the kingdom was prosperous once again

Kohina: snoring

(Y/n):* I think I went overboard on the story. At least she's asleep. Time finish off the paperwork in my office then to some "research"  * walks into his office

Grunt: Boss you have a letter from princess Renner gives home the letter

(Y/n): You may leave

Grunt: Yes boss

(Y/n): I wonder what she wants. I pretty sure this isn't a love confession. Open the letter Alright I see so that's what she wanted. Well then I'll be sure to be the most interesting company she's ever had in her life

The chapter is completed. Definitely need to work on my cliffhangers. Zeon signing out

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