Chapter 13

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Rey went into work that Sunday afternoon feeling like she was walking on clouds. Waking up next to Kylo, wrapped up in his warm and protective hold, had been as close to heavenly as she'd ever felt. His playfulness and intensity only further added to her elated mood, assuring her of his feelings for her, affirming the anxious part of her that had wondered whether this was all moving just a little too fast. The way he looked at her warmed her soul and made her body feel tingly all over, as if she was his whole world. She was both in awe and terrified of it.

While she knew many people dated for years before feeling how she did now, she thought back to BB and Amilyn, a solid couple that she admired, and how BB had let her know he knew at first sight he wanted to be with Amilyn for the rest of his life. Rey wasn't sure she was quite there yet, but she was certainly getting there. Busying herself by tidying up the front of the store in the absence of any new customers, she stole glances at the door every so often, waiting for her big strong man to barrel through and sweep her into his arms. Damn workplace professionalism to hell, she was finding more and more that she didn't mind Kylo's sweet touches and gestures in public, especially when they made her feel like the only woman in the world. It was a powerful heady feeling.

"Waiting for someone, babe?" Poe's voice rang out as he entered the store with a grinning Finn following in tow. He had signed up for the Sunday shift as well so they could ready the First Order for the busy month of November, where people would go crazy on Black Friday and early Christmas shoppers would swarm them in hopes of finding unique gifts for their loved ones.

"Maybe," Rey replied coyly, embarrassed at being caught pining after Kylo after only a few hours apart.

"I'd say you certainly look like it, peanut." Finn said, coming over to give her a hello/goodbye hug. He then moved to kiss Poe on the lips, telling him he'd see him later as he walked out to do some Sunday errands for the couple.

"Had fun last night, did you?" Poe inquired in a taunting tone, raising his brow at a blushing Rey, returning his attention to her once he was done watching his boyfriend walk away (Poe was no stranger to longing himself).

"Yes." she huffed, rolling her eyes at Poe before smacking him in the arm as she continued, "Not that you have any room to talk! Hiding under the blanket during the movie like a bunch of horny crazed teenagers!"

Poe laughed at that, beginning to turn red as he shrugged sheepishly. "Sorry you can't find it in your heart to be happy for me."

"Poe Llewelyn Dameron, you are a ridiculous man. What am I going to do with you?" Rey sighed exasperatedly, stressing the middle name as she scolded him.

"I don't know Rey Ophelia Dameron, whatever will you do with your roguishly handsome brother and his equally stunning boyfriend?"

Rey winced at the use of her middle name, hating how her parents had named her such an old fashioned name. "Unfortunately I won't do anything because I'm stuck with your sorry asses. But if you ever disgrace my furniture like that again, Rose and I will both kick you out. My couch isn't a private hotel room, Poe." she giggled, showing her brother she was only teasing and not really serious.

"Aye aye, captain. Anyway, enough about my love life escapades, how's tall, dark and broodingly handsome? I half expected him to be here today with you. I don't think anyone could pry you from his arms if they tried."

"He's fine, had some things to do so he'll be over later," Rey answered, unable to hide the growing smile on her face.

Poe was quick to call her out on it, "Oh-ho-ho! Did something happen between our budding love birds?"

"Maybe! Stay out of my personal business you nosey old hen!"

"Hey, don't get defensive on me, babe! I'm just happy to see you all googly eyed and gross. It's about time."

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