Chapter 17

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The car trip to New York was almost two hours including traffic. While Kylo had never driven a car before, he offered to be the one to drive so they could leave early and Rey could sleep in the car. He used his powers to help him drive and thanked the fact that he didn't really need sleep so he could pull this nice gesture for Rey.

Kylo Ren wanted this long weekend to go perfectly. If all went according to plan, he would confess his true feelings for Rey. He had a couple of activities he knew Rey would appreciate stored away and had found a beautiful hotel room for them to stay in that was luxurious and spacious.

Rey was going to get the royal treatment that befitted her over the next couple of days, and Kylo couldn't wait to spoil his princess rotten. If anyone deserved it, it was Rey. She was always looking after others and working hard at the First Order. It was time someone treated her for a change and Kylo planned to do just that.

He looked over at the sleeping form next to him and smiled. It had only been a couple of minutes into the car ride, they weren't even technically out of Philly yet, and Rey had passed out almost immediately. She had a travel pillow around her neck and was making soft snuffling noises, hugging her pillow tight to her body and angled away from him and towards the door. Kylo tucked some of her hair back behind her ear and she shifted slightly but didn't move otherwise. Kylo chuckled to himself as he thought back to how she had teased him earlier, and she had the audacity to call me a deep sleeper .

Kylo knew what she was talking about, though. Even though he didn't need sleep, he felt as if the more time he spent bonded to Rey the more comfortable he became in his human-like cage. He slept more and ate more, and consequently also slept better when it was next to Rey. Kylo briefly wondered if Hux and Lilith ever slept together as a relaxing pastime. It wouldn't be completely out of left field for demons, but it would be more of an activity than a necessity. Kylo found he enjoyed dreaming and then waking up next to his dream girl.

Kylo continued driving for some time, letting his powers do the work as he let his mind wander, accompanied only by the quiet noises that would escape from Rey every now and then. When they neared New York, Kylo put his hand on Rey's knee and gave it a light squeeze. He bit back a snort when she didn't stir, tightening his grip on her knee for a moment.

"W-what's goin' on?" Rey asked, her eyes drowsy and heavy with sleep, squinting against the bright light of the morning sun.

"We're in New York, sweetheart," Kylo drawled, smiling over at her. That got Rey's attention as she rolled her neck and stretched to wake herself.

"Oh, goody!" she beamed at him once she was properly situated in her seat again. "What's our plan?"

"I think we should go get some breakfast. Check-in doesn't start until eleven so we can kill some time that way. What do you think?"

"Sounds perfect!" Rey answered, her stomach letting out a low grumble in agreement. They both laughed and Kylo reached to grab Rey's hand, lacing their fingers together, always thankful at how easily his laughter and smiles formed when it came to Rey.

"Anywhere in particular that you want to go or want to eat?" Kylo asked, running his thumb over Rey's knuckles as she looked out the window and pondered.

In the end she shrugged, replying, "Anywhere is fine as long as they have good coffee and some food."

"Done and done," Kylo complied. "Find something for us? I'm good with everything you said."

Rey hummed in response as she searched for a place, settling on a cozy rustic brunch place. She navigated them over to her pick, admiring the warm feeling of the restaurant when they entered, so inviting compared to the bitter cold that had picked up outside.

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