Chapter 22

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A/N: Almost there! Already working on the last chapter now, so it should be up within the week (but hopefully within the next few days), and then all that's left is an epilogue! Enjoy, friends:)

Rey almost laughed at Kylo's question. Had she ever wanted to meet God? No, not particularly. Rey was comfortable living in the world as she had imagined it to be - the supernatural had always been something people talked about but nothing she herself ever had proof of, except now she had plenty of evidence... in the form of her boyfriend, no less. The reality of the situation was, Rey could no longer deny that she was currently dating the son of God herself (or at the very least an incredibly delusional but very powerful man). Talk about an intimidating meet-the-parents situation either way.

"How are we going to do that, Kylo? I thought you mentioned that she hasn't been talking to you... I mean, if you were on talking terms, wouldn't you have been released by now?" Rey asked instead. A much better option than descending into a fit of nervous giggling.

"You're right, she hasn't been talking to me. Though, even if she was talking to me, I doubt she would have released me by now. She is painfully stubborn about others learning her lessons. I'm going to have to talk to Hux again - see if he can figure out a way that she would be willing to meet me. I'm sure by now she either knows all about you or is dying to know all about you, so it shouldn't be too hard. My mom is a terrible gossip. Ironic, isn't it?"

Rey did laugh, then, thinking about how most people believed it was immoral to gossip. Rey guessed that the mortal world probably knew a lot less about the immortal world that it thought it did. Already in this short time Rey felt as if most of her preconceived notions had been shattered.

"So what are our next steps?"

"Our next steps are to get some rest, Little One, and then we can figure things out in the morning. I don't even need to rest and I still feel sleep deprived from not being able to fall asleep without you," Kylo admitted, making Rey flush as he tightened his arms around her and nuzzled into her neck. "Your presence just makes things... easier."

"Okay, sleep it is, then," Rey answered softly, leaning into Kylo's touch, her cheek resting against his. "I missed you, too. A lot," she answered, bringing a hand up to cup his jaw.

"I know," Kylo nodded. "You said it earlier, but I can also feel it. No more lies. I promise. If you leave me again it'll be because I'm actually an insufferable shit."

Rey turned to Kylo, looking at his goofy grin and gave him a kiss, smiling as she pulled away. "You're already an insufferable shit, but I have no plans to leave you. Even if you pretend to hate romcoms and Ben Solo," Rey teased back, squeezing his cheek playfully as Kylo scowled.

"Come on, big guy. Let's go," she continued, struggling to get up from Kylo's tight hold so they could get to bed. Kylo just shook his head instead, picking her up and carrying her to bed as she protested the whole way, giggling and laughing.

Once in bed, all cuddled up with her adorable monster, Rey reassured her friends that she was safely at home, not having realized that she hadn't explained her disappearance and having been shocked when she looked at her phone and saw several missed calls and texts from Rose, Poe and Finn. She let them know that she was just sorting some things out and would be updating them later.

Rey felt a little hesitant to let her friends know that she and Kylo were back together. What if this wasn't for real? What if Leia didn't find her worthy for her son, a prince? What if she didn't break the bond? Could Rey really feel comfortable pursuing a real and honest relationship with someone who physically could not get away from her and have time for himself?

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