Chapter 20

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When Rey got to Rose's apartment, all she said was, "I don't want to talk about it, I just want to drink."

Thankfully, Rose was the best friend anybody could ask for, immediately getting Rey her own bottle of wine with a large glass and popping in a movie before she got busy making snacks and opening up some ice cream.

"I bought you a pint," Rose said sheepishly as she handed Rey the container of Chunky Monkey. "And I expect that to all be gone by the end of the night."

Rey gave her a small smile in thanks, enveloping the petite woman in a hug before Rose went off to finish getting all of the other snacks ready. They cried and ate and laughed, talking about anything except for Kylo and the situation that had landed Rey in Rose's apartment in the first place.

Rose knew that Rey would talk about it in her own time, and knew that tonight was just about letting loose and forgetting before the pain settled in for the long haul. She was happy to be able to provide support for her friend, even as she watched with raised eyebrows as Rey eagerly guzzled down wine straight from the bottle.


Rey woke up with a splitting headache thanks to her generous wine consumption and the fact that she had, unfortunately, still cried herself to sleep despite desperately trying to drink herself to the point where she forgot who she even was. No such luck, apparently.

She groaned as she stretched, her mouth feeling like it was stuffed with cotton and her body feeling every bit as unhappy as she did. As she curled up again on her side to try to fall back asleep for a little bit, her hands brushed over something soft. It was a plain black hoodie. Kylo's .

Rey ran her fingers over the thick fabric, realizing that in her drunken state last night she must have dug it out from the duffel bag she'd brought with her - the one that had still been unpacked from their trip to New York.

Tears stung at her eyes as she hugged the sweater, feeling dampness on the material from where she must have cried into it last night. Rey let herself cry, allowing herself to grieve a relationship that she had truly treasured.

Once she had cried herself out, she got up, promising herself she wouldn't allow the day to be spent sobbing into Kylo's clothes. It was December 27th and she still had New Year's Eve and New Year's Day to get through before she could just spend the days moping around. She had to start preparing herself to look presentable now, so that she could play along for the holidays before she had some time to herself to bawl all she wanted.

Rey went to check on Chewie who was sleeping in the living room on the couch. She smiled at the snoozing dog, his nose tucked into his tail as he slumbered. After, she ambled over to the bathroom to run a bath. If there was one thing that always made Rey feel better, it was a nice long soak in the tub.

Thankfully, Rose was as much of an avid fan of the past time as she was, so she borrowed some of her supplies and settled in. Rose was at work until later that evening, so Rey had the apartment to herself. She thought about the things she needed to buy as she ran the water, pouring in salt mixed with fragrant herbs before she plopped a bath bomb in. Rey watched the bath bomb bubble and fizz, wondering if her relationship with Kylo was dissolving just as quickly before her eyes - if it wasn't already all fizzed out.


Rey went about her days in a daze, going into work as normal, unable to tell anyone but Rose (and even that had been out of necessity) about her current relationship status (or non-status). Fortunately for her, the First Order was going to be closed on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, so she was able to relax before the party tonight.

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