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I come from scientists and atheists and white men who kill God
They make technology high quality, complex, physiological

Ever since he was little, the walls were there. He was the only citizen of L'manburg that was born into the walls. He didn't move there, he wasn't one of the founders, nothing. He was born within these dark walls.

Experiments and sacrilege in the name of public good
They taught me everything, just like a daddy should

His father was never there for him. He was always too busy for him. Remarkably, it was his uncle that taught him everything he knows.

Well, everything that wasn't self taught, that is.

And you were beautiful and vulnerable and power and success
God damn, I fell for you, your flamethrowers, your tunnels, and your tech

Wilbur never trusted Dream, but that didn't stop Fundy from developing feelings for the masked man.

Growing up, he hated the man, simply because he was told to hate him. But as he grew older, he grew to admire the masked man. He taught him everything he knew about coding and tech and such.

I studied code because I wanted to do something great like you
And the real tragedy is that half of it was true

He always vied for his fathers attention. He didn't really want to be president, he just wanted to get his fathers attention.

And even that didn't work.

But we've been fuckin' mean, we're elitist, we're as flawed as any church
And this faux-rad west coast dogma as a higher fuckin' net worth

So he burned the flag he loved. He destroyed the walls he was born within. He did it for his attention.

Still didn't work.

I bit the apple 'cause I trusted you
It tastes like Thomas Malthus

Is it bad to say that he doesn't even miss him?

Your proposal is immodest and insane
And I hope Selmers rides her fuckin' train

He knew he was quick to propose after just one date, but he didn't care. He thought he was in love.

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