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Real quick, there's gonna be 4 povs in this oneshot, so here's how I'm gonna differentiate them.

Ghostbur: Italics
Techno: Underline
Tommy: Normal
Tubbo: Underlined Italics

And obviously bold is lyrics


Look at this city of blackstone and wood
With rubble and dust in the places we stood

I don't remember much about my death, I will admit.

Though, for some reason I can't possibly fathom, every time I'm inside the crater that L'manburg stands upon, I simultaneously feel freezing cold and hellish hot until I leave the crater.

You'd think that, as a ghost, I'd be unable to feel pain, but you'd be wrong.

Tore up the pavement for duels and plays
Now watch as the color fades

He remembers that summer.

How did everything go to shit so quickly? A nation formed by a pair of brothers swearing to never use violence to solve their problems.

Now both are dead and the nation fell.

Sure, it's prospering now, but it's history is so full of the exact opposite of what they initially wanted.

Will the nation still stand when he himself takes his final breath?

Look at this city with stakes through its past
It's bleeding out, but you still think it can last

I can't hate him.

No matter all the shit he did to me, I just can't hate him.

I know he had no choice.

Does it make it right?

No. No it does not.

Does it excuse what he did?


I don't know.....

I can't hate any of them, actually. They're just doing what they thought they had to do.

Wilbur knew that the nation will fall regardless.
Tubbo wanted it to stand and prosper.
Dream just wanted to protect me.
And Techno just wanted to stop Tubbo from turning into Schlatt.

Their reasons were valid.

But it doesn't make it right.

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