Desicions desicions

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***recap met my close friend made one other. Texted my friends about what's going on and when couple days passed I got asked out by a boy I barley know from a boy I don't know at all.

"Do u want to go out with Luis?" The boy that seats behind me in fourth period asked.

That question has been getting me nervous the rest of the day I thought it over and over. When that boy( man I really should have asked his name) asked me do I want to go out with his friend I instantly panicked though I didn't show it I just said I'll think about.

Man I don't know what to say,I don't want to hurt his feelings this is the like my second time ever getting asked out by a kid I seen no interest in. I mean I like him as a friend yeah but I don't see him more than that at all.

"Monica?" Crystal asked while I hugged her hello. It was passing period I was on my way to 6th period(my last class) ,but I guess I could stay and talk for awhile.

"Ya" I answered.

"You looked troubled u are making a face like u are in deep thought what's wrong?"Crystal asked. Wow she is a very good observer.

"Well Luis asked me out-" before I could finish she interrupted me.

"Oh my gosh really that is such good news what did u say to him, I went out with him before like for a day." Crystal said.

I then explained to her that I didn't like him, see him like that ,that I was freaking out , and how I didn't know what to say.

"Well that's easy just say no." She answered right after I finished talking.

"Easier said than done plus I don't want to hurt his feelings," I quickly replied.

" Don't worry you will figure something out its up to you what you want to say."

"Ugh OK bye I have to go or I'll be late to class," *gives Crystal a hug and walks away.

**Day passes like usually 6th period boring, class ends, picks up brothers, ask them how their day was, and walk home.

"While walking home I was looking for the guy I knew little about but amazed me well he wasn't here,but I did see that one boy that I always watch play soccer. Wait watch him, Monica don't tell me that you are falling for him.

No I'm not not at all.

****** Whole day passes I'm now walking to school the next morning***

So I decided that I'll just tell him no. I mean what's the point in saying yes.

I did that once at my old school a boy asked me out (the very first boy that has ever asked me out) I told him I'll think about it boy was I stupid. I first told him well why don't I just replay the scene.

*****Lunch recess outside***

I was walking with my friends toward the field when all of a sudden a group of boys walked towards my two friends and I.

"Monica, Gabe wants to talk to you about something," Jacob said. He was a boy I didn't know at all how the heck how did he even know my name and Gabe is a boy I sit by in Social studies I wonder what he want to talk about. Jacob then began pulling away his friends and mine away. No please don't leave me here by myself.

My HORRIBLE 8th Grade yearWhere stories live. Discover now