Well what a suprise

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        I turned around to see Fernando. I think that's his name hey you can't blame me for not remembering. I have bad memory and last time I seen him I was in the beginning of 6th grade.

        He was walking with Arturo, yes I do know him.

           So Fernando is this average height 8th grader ,with an OK smile, short brown hair, I barely knew him well I seen him but we weren't close friends.

             Arturo is a guy with about the same height as Fernando, doesn't look that strong, he has those tiny freckles all over his face, I knew him. He is the boy that found out about my crush.

           ****Flashback to 6th grade***

              I was in the middle of E.L.A. it was so boring I took out a pen and eraser. On that pen I wrote I, heart L( the name L represented Louie) he was my neighbor and also my crush that was in 7th grade one grade higher than me.

               Anyways I wrote i, heart L and hid the eraser on the side of my seat which I was sitting on. I need to hide this so none of my friends see this.

           While I started doing my work I heard a whisper.

           "Hey Monica, who do u like?" Arturo asked from sitting right behind me.

           "Why do-," that's when realization hit me,my eraser.

            I checked on the side of my leg. Oh no. Oh no. This is not happening, where is my eraser?

             "Looking for something," another little annoying boy named Anthony asked.

               When I looked up to meet his beautiful blue eyes(ya I used to like him) I seen that in his hand he was holding an eraser, to be exact it was my eraser.

            I snatched it out of his hand. The two boys than began bugging me kept asking me "who do u like?"

             Its just best to ignore them.

  **5 minutes later***

            Finally they shut up.

              "Monica," Arturo said quietly only him and I could hear. I spoke to early when I said they shut up.

                "What," I whispered back.

                "Do u like Louie?" Damn him.

                 "Why do you think that,"I said trying to sound calm.

                  "He is the only person that I know that has a name that starts with an L."

                 "How do you know him,"I asked trying to make him forget about the first question he asked.

                 "We play football together at lunch"

                 "Oh OK." I went back to my work when I heard him again.

                 "You haven't answered my question yet."

                 "What question," I asked, OK now you can totally tell I was nervous.

                 "You know already."

My HORRIBLE 8th Grade yearWhere stories live. Discover now