Hard time going to sleep, hard time getting up.

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...... 10:00 p.m...... .

"Ughhhh I don't want to go to school"

"Too bad now go to bed, " my mom says.

"Ok ok I'm going"

Tomorrow is going to be a day that will be dreadful. First day at a new school, ughhhh.(What's worse is im going to be in 8th grade. I'm Monica, I just moved and I also moved schools. That means bye bye friends that I love so much.

I got up from my phone and went to turn off the light but not the fan it gets too hot in my room at night. Now I have to set my alarm. There set. Now crawl into my comfortable covers and let my dreams take me away.

****Thinking for over 1 hour***

I cant go to sleep I'm not tired I already tried singing, thinking of sad memories, also tried closing my eyes. Nothing works. Oh I know I can count. ..

***1 hour passed****

...... .1,000 I'm still not tired and now I'm bored. Let me just think of my happy memory.


...... waiting at the front of school.......I'm going to Sacramento for choir to go see a play that is a musical called wicked

"Omg I can't believe that I'm going with you guys to watch wicked, "I said.

"We are going to have so much fun, " Veronica [my best friend that is close to me, knows when I'm sad, and a friend I can trust] said.

"Yup where is Mrs. Wolf [my choir teacher].

"She said she couldn't find our permission slip so she went to go look at her house, " Veronica said.


We stand there for a few minutes talking and laughing when Juliano [my friend that I can trust to guide me through whatever obstacle I face] passes by quickly on his bike and waves. I wave back along with my group of friends but then I get nervous because my dad is standing a little far off to the side waiting for my teacher to return.

***10 minutes later***

"Okay I found the paper, "Mrs. Wolf said. "lets get in the car. "

"Who wants to control the radio, "Mrs. wolf said.

"Me, "Hailey [one of my best friends that is smart and has a beautiful and amazing singing voice] said.

We all got in the car it was not a bus but a car. Hailey sat in the front with Mrs. Wolf, two girls from choir I don't know in the middle, and all the way in the back Veronica, Esmeralda[she is so funny and I always call her Esmo because one day we were talking and she said at her old school, people called her Esmo so so did I] and i. When we got to Sacramento we ate food that was something called... a philly cheese with bacon it was tasty.

After we went to the theatre. It was amazing like this huge palace, so many people walking everywhere. There were stairs, places to buy drinks, and snacks. Veronica bought us all snacks since she had hundred dollars. I got a soda and gelato which I've never tried before and when I did I wanted more. My friends got soda and sour pouches candy. We all had our tickets with our seat number on it, we looked for our seats. We were seated at the very top(well the third last row) we were so high up, if u were at that bottom and looked up it would look like a huge balcony at the top. The show was entertaining and dark there was a lot people there i felt so into it that i pulled me legs up to my seat and wrapped my hands around my legs. Even though the performance was amazing i couldn't stop myself from looking to the side and the top where people set everything in place like for example the flying monkeys or huge dragon. Overall it was a good show it was a different version of The Wizard of Oz the witch was good and was an old friend of the queens. It was fun after it ended the whole choir class took pictures when we were outside i paid little attention i was busy looking at my surroundings bright lights, statues of sorts , huge building that would just keep continuing up. That's when i was pulled out of my little trance,"hey Monica,"a voice I know said.

My HORRIBLE 8th Grade yearWhere stories live. Discover now