A weekend with dad

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Recap: I finally ran my first mile which was awesome I got talked to by a lot of people probably jealous that I run a lot. Next I am finally going to my dad's house to see my little sisters
and spend the night at my dads.


I run outside and hope in the front seat

"Hey Daddy, "I say right as I hope in.

He holds out his hand indicating he wants a high five which I respond to.

"Hey what are you doing,"he asks.

"Nothing just waiting for you to come, Javier and Panchito are still getting ready." Just as I finished talking my brothers hopped in the car my dad did the exact same thing while asking what they were doing.

As we continue down the street I look out the window watching the little kids play on the play ground that's near our house. More on down past the railroad tracks I see a school I was almost sent to thankfully they didn't have room for me. Now we head into downtown and I see the same old building I've seen all my life.
"So how was school," I get broken out of my thoughts by my dad.

"It was the usual we got late to school well almost because I made them run, " I look at my brothers",Then in first period Math was kinda fun since it was a little harder and I love a challenge, For ELA my Teacher Mrs. L said we are going to be reading a book together as a class so I'm happy about that, in 3rd period math again it was boring we just had to work out a math sheet on subtracting negative or positive numbers, Science all I did was read, the best was P.E I ran 17 laps, and last period we got read to about social studies.

"Wow sounds like you had a busy day," my dad replied.

I guess it was I was too caught up in other stuff besides school I didn't realise I was still paying attention at school.

My dad then proceeded to ask me questions then to my brothers the same. Once we got to the o-familar place my dads house, my second home, and the place I felt comfortable at. Well knowing I'll never move my dad, his girlfriend, her kids, including my sisters, and us have lived here for 8 years.

The car came to a stop and we all hoped out. Right when my dad opened the door I hear an adorable little voice that I can regnise from anywhere.

"Daddy,"she screams again.

I look up to see Cecilia on the stairs wearing underwear and a shirt with her hair messed up. She looks down towards me.

"Monica,"again the high pitched scream.

"Cece,"I run up the stairs and hug her. "I missed you, "

"I missed you, " she repeats what I said.

"I missed you more, "

"I missed you most."

"Ok you got me," I say hugging her.

When I let go of her I go to my room which is so close to the stairs and throw my back on top of my bed.

Now to go get my baby Carmen I think walking into my dads room which right down from my room.

"Carmen," she looks up at the mention of her name", Do you want to come with me? "

When I try picking her up she keeps a firm hold onto her mom and starts crying.

"Ok ok you can stay with your mom."

I turn and walk out the door. Maybe she isn't used to me yet I mean I can't blame her she hasn't seen me in weeks.

My HORRIBLE 8th Grade yearWhere stories live. Discover now