'Running time

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Recap: My dad takes my brothers and I to the park since he can't take us to his house because he doesn't have gas money to be driving us back and forth. At the park the surroundin and people spark up memories some sad some good. Mainly bad. I let my dad know I'm running the mile, get home, and sleep.

Present day

"In sleep he sang to me"
" In dreams he came"
" That voice which calls to me and speaks my name"
"And do I dream again"

"For now I find the phantom of the opera is there,"
"Inside my mind".........

Ugh I wake up and dismiss my alarm. Oh by the way that was my alarm, The phantom of the opera is what the song is called.

I like that song so much because it reminds me how I used to be in choir with my friends last year.

Anyways today is going to be a good day I get to run the mile, spend the weakened with my dad, and see my 2 little sisters. Carmen is a couple months old and Cecilia is 2 years old. I haven't seen them for a long time.

Well I should get ready.

.......20 minutes later....

"Come on Javier," we are going to be late for school.

He just laid there.

Well time for plan b, I walked towards my mom's room.

"My Javier and Panchito don't want to get up," I whined to my mom while she was asleep.

"Wake them up,"she replied half asleep.

Well that plan failed. I was planning on getting my mom up whenever she is up my brothers wake up too. They are exactly like her I swear its a good thing I like to wake up early in the morning like my dad.

Time for plan c. This should be very exciting. I went to grab a spray bottle,filled it up with water, and walked towards my brothers that seemed to be in a deep sleep. Not for long.

"Javier and Panchito if you don't get up by 6:10 something is going to happen to you that you won't like."

"Oh and its 6:00 so u better get up."

I think I'm a pretty fair person letting them have 10 more minutes of sleep they can't say I didn't warn then.

In the meantime I'll do my hair. OK time to check the time.

.....6:11 am....

Damn I'm a minute late I walked/speed walked to the room.

Got the spray bottle which I had filled with water and went up to both of the sleeping boys.

When I sprayed them Panchito put himself wrapped all the way up in the cover. Javier did the opposite he tried to swing at me which I blocked, then he got up and went to my mom's room.

"Mom, monic(that's what my brother calls me) wet me with hot water," my brother lied to my mom.

"That's not true I wet you with cold water and mama said to wake u up she never said how,"I explained to my brother.

"Monica stop wetting your brother,"my mom said to me.

I don't know what expression crossed my face all I know was she had it the other way around.

My HORRIBLE 8th Grade yearWhere stories live. Discover now