The New Kids and the Emo boy

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Chapter 4

Jesse's P.O.V.

Once the teacher had told us to come into the room, he introduced us to our homeroom class. All the guy's eyes were on me. I blushed furiously. Did I really look THAT bad? They didn't have to rub it in, as if I didn't already know it... I looked down at my feet. As if this school would be any different... I sighed.

"Good morning class!" He clapped his hands together. "As you all have probably figured out, we have two new students! Please welcome them. Would you like to introduce yourselves?" He asked. I shrugged. I've had enough embarrassment.

"Yeah!" Jakey shouted. The class laughed and he had a goofy smile plastered on his face. "Yo! My name is Jake Dante, but my idiot-of-a-sis calls me *Jakey*" He stuck  his tongue out at me and I couldn't help but laugh, he looked so stupid right now. Fail jake, fail, I thought shaking my head. I slowly brought my head up and waved shyly.

"Uhm. Hi? I'm uh Jesse Dante..." I locked eyes with Sam. He looked completely shocked. Yep, it's me bitch. I smiled at him and he just stared back. Guess he's still in shock-mode. He'll get over it, right?

"Pssttttt, stop staring at Sammy, Jess." I elbowed him in the ribs, and he doubled over in temporary pain. I glared at him, how dare he say that! Ugh. I huffed past him and sat down next to a guy with black hair and like a million piercings. Eh, it's better than being next to a cocky jerk or a high cheerleader. Once Jakey recovered from my elbowing, he walked over to sit next to Sam eyeing me  the whole way. Oh. No. He. Didn't. I gritted my teeth. This couldn't be good.

"Okay, first let's start by introducing yourself to your partners. You will be sitting next to each other the whole year so, might as well get to know each other." I  heard a lot of people groan, including Sam. Haha. Suckers. Out of the corner of my eye I could see my partner roll his eyes. How insulting. Well then...

"Uh hi...?" I asked unsurely. I didn't expect for a response, but hey at least I can say I tried. He snapped his head towards me, obviously disgusted. Woah, what'd I do?

"What do you want? Do you want to make fun of me? Huh? You gunna be like everyone else here in this hell hole? You're probably just another stuck up barbie trying to get into every guys pants. And why are you even talking to me? This is against the rules of society. Talking to me is social suicide." He finally finished with a last glare before turning around and looking out the window. It took a minute to soak in what he just said. Suddenly I could feel my cheeks becoming warm and anger arising. He doesn't have the right to judge me! Ugh. It's people like him that irritate me the most.I poked his shoulder. He didn't budge. I punched his arm. Hard, and said "HEY IDIOT!" That must have surprised him because he almost fell out of his chair. I didn't even bother helping him up. Serves him right. When he regained his balance, he glared at me. I glared back.

"What the hell do you want barbie?" Oh, so now he's gonna insult my appearence! Screw him! I narrowed my eyes at him.

"How dare you just judge me!" I yelled at him. He just smirked.

"Oh yeah, whatcha gunna do about it? Huh? Get one of your boy toys to beat me up?" He said in a mocking voice. Oh that's the last straw. I angrily stood up. "Yeah, that's right you run away." My face flushed. BY now the whole class had gone silent and was watching, amused. I slowly turned around and through my teeth I managed to spit out at him "You know what. You are in no place to judge me." And just like that my fist collided with his jaw. Hah. He fell backwards, obviously not expecting that. I smirked. "Hm. Too bad I don't even know your name...shame." I turned around to see my homeroom teacher glaring at me. Oops.

"Miss Dante, DETENTION FOR PHYSICAL VIOLENCE. I will expect you to come here after school." I glared at...since he's judging me, I'll call him Emo Boy. "Now, sit down. We only have a minute left in homeroom." Ugh. Let me tell you, that whole one minute we spent glaring at each other, but him holding onto his jaw.

The Past, the Present, and Moving OnOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant