The idiot that I once thought I loved

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Chapter 2

Why him out of all people...? As I stared into his eyes I was lost in thought as the memory hit me. 


(at the beach at sunset) 

I stared into his eyes smiling from ear to ear. The wind blew a piece of hair into my face and he tucked it behind my ear and leaned in closer... 

And whispered into my ear 

"I love you, more than anything. You are now my life, without I'd be nothing. With you I can be myself, and I love everything about you" I smiled, okay that was cheesy but I'll take what I can get.  

I put my hand over his and instantly felt sparks as he tangled our fingers together. That was the bestday of my life, I will never forget it. 


It had all been so perfect... I mentally slapped myself, of course he hadn't meant that...if he did? He wouldn't have fucked some random girl...


Knocking on the door lighlty, I tapped my foot impatiently. His mom answered the door wearing a worried expression.

"Oh, hey Mrs. Garett! I was just stopping by to see" I smiled but it slowly faltered into a frown. 

She still hadn't moved... "Mrs. Garett, is everything okay?" I asked as a guilty expression crossed her face.  

"I-I-I'm so sorry Jesse! I-I can't take responsibilty f-for his doing...please understand that you are the daughter I never had!!" She hugged me so I hugged her back. I let go and walked around her wondering what was up, why was she telling me this? "Wait Jesse! Don-" Her sentenced was cut off by my gasp. I opened Sam's door with a horrified expression.  

"What the fuck..." I whispered to myself a tear forming in my eyes. "How...HOW COULD YOU! I...I trusted you with my whole life, and I THOUGHT you did too! But you know what, I guess I was wrong!" I could't even explain the digusting sight in front of me...Sam was in his room with one of the school sluts. She was lying on top of him without any clothes on. Not to mention how ugly that sight was...I shook my head trying to get that image out of my head.

"Wait Jesse, I can explain..." I snorted. Don't they all say that? Why should I believe him?

"No, you know what just shuddup! You and your slut" I smirked at that, "have a good life, but STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" 

As I left I slammed the door shut. 

"I'm so sorry! I don't know what's wrong with that boy!" I smiled weakly at her. she was the mother I never got to have.  

"don't apologize it's not your fault, I'll live." I smiled to her reasurringly. 

She smiled back. She was too good for her own good I thought to myself as I sighed. 


I sighed and then realized I'd been staring at him. He smirked and said 

"Enjoying the view?" My jaw literly dropped to the floor. I thought I said to stay away from me! Unless he doesn't recognize me....what the hell...?!?!

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