A Crush, an old best friend, and an ex(pic of Rick)

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Chapter 9

Ricky's P.O.V.

I was sitting down at lunch with the rest of the guys when Aiden came over with a pretty girl. She had long, straight dark brown hair. Her skin was a perfect shade of brown. Everything about her was natural. i mentally slapped myself. I can't like someone for their looks. I thought about it. If I got to know her, maybe I'd like her personality too. Eh, it's worth a shot. I hope she has a good perosnality, because so far she's the most diffeerent than most of the girls here. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one to judge but this school doesn't have much variety in girls. Most are either slutty or preppy.I hope she acts different. I watched as Aiden introduced all the guys to her. We all said hi back. They sat down and I looked around to see most people staring at her. I guess it is shocking for Aiden to invite someone to our table. It's not like it's exclusive or any of that crap, it's just usually he keeps to himself. I guess this is my only chance...I turned to her and said hey.

"Hi. Sorry, I forgot your name..." I laughed.

"Hey, that's cool. It must be hard to go to a new school. The name's Rick. Or Ricky. Whatever you prefer." I smiled. "And you are...?" I hope I don't sound like an idiot...I'm probably making myself look stupid...

"Oh, Jesse."

"Well hello Jesse. How do you like this school so far?" She looked deep in thought. Damn she looks really cute right now.....

"Uh. Well, I've managed to get a detention?" She blushed and I laughed.

"On the first day? Smooth. What'd you do?" She smirked, obviously remembering what she did.

"Well...you see, I kinda sorta maybe punched this guy's jaw...and my homeroom teacher got pissed and gave me a detention."

"Wow! Nice! If you don't mind me asking, who?"

"Well...I don't know his name.." She smiles evilly which makes her look evem cuter and I laugh.

"Ok, so what does he look like?" I ask.

"He has black hair and lots of piercings..." I thought about it. It's probably Eric...I'll take my chances.

"Ah. That'd be Eric..." She seemed to be lost in thought so I let her be.

A few minutes later she turned towards me.

"Hey Ricky?" I like the way she said my name with her angelic voice...

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Can you tell me about Eric? 'Cause he was being a real ass...."

"Sure. What do you want to know about?"

"Well is there anything that I should know?" I thought about it...I guess I can trust her.

"I guess. He used to be my best friend." I looked down at his plate, playing with my food. This was a touchy subject for me and Eric. Why I'm telling her this, I don't know. It's just something about her that makes me want to trust her. So that's what I did.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" I breathed in.

"Uh well after his parents and siblings died, he stopped talking to me and everyone else. He became anti-social, except for his few friends that can understand him. I wish I could be one of them, but he thinks I'm some stuck-up ass like the rest of the jocks."

"Oh." Jesse looked down at her and said quietly, almost in a whisper

"I'm going to go apologize for hittting him."

"Okay. Good luck." I squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. She inhaled and got up. She slowly made her way to his table, still looking at the ground. I thought about it. Ever since me and Eric grew apart, things were different. I hate to admit it, but I missed him! There I said it. He's really not a bad guy. He's nice and has a heart. I watched Jesse approach their table right after Sam and Sasha left.

I didn't even bother watching, I'd just feel too helpless. I wish there was something I could've done to help Eric out when he needed it. Everyone had given up on him. Except for his "emo" friends. Nothing against emo's, but I'm not really friends with any of them. They think I"m some stuck up ass so they treat me like a piece of shit. I guess that's what I get for being popular. Sometimes I wish I wasn't. But when I think about, I'm glad that I have so many friends. I don't think I could survive high school without knowing there was someone who had my back. I watched as Jessie made her way back to our table.

"How'd it go?" Ricky asked.

"I don't really know...he accepted my apology, Kat yelled at me, and a guy named Luke stood up for me and. I'm confuzzled." I smiled at her. That is so like Kat to do that. But Luke...he's usually more of the quiet type. That's strange...

"Well that's good, and uh not so good? I think lunch is almost over, c'mon." I picked up both of our trays and dumped them into the trash.

"Thanks" She looked up at me. "Way to make me feel short Ricky..."

I laughed and messed up her hair. "HEY! Not cool" she said, joining me in laughter.

"sorry. What class do you have next?"


"Oh. well, I have math, see yah later!"

I started walking down the hall and bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry!"

I looked up to see Sasha. "On the other hand....I'm not so sorry." Shit. Why her of all people?

She giggled. "Aww you don't mean that. You know you want me" She said seductively. I groaned. I just wanna get to class gah.

"Yeah yeah sure. Don't you have a boyfriend?" I said, my lame attempt to get her away from me.

"Hmmm....Do I?" She said, pretending to think. Oh dear lord.

"Yes, Sasha, you do. Now if you could move..." I went to move her aside but she caught hold of my hand.

"You know you don't want that." She purred as she took my hand and placed a finger over my lips. Ew, now I'm going to have to burn my lips.

"Now shhhhh no one has to know, it can be our," She stroked my face, "little," and moved down to my arm, slowly making her way up and down. "secret." And with her last word, she put both hands on my chest and pushed me backwards. I slammed into a locker.

"Shit! Ow." I silently swore even more in my head. Fuck her, fuck this!

"Aw I'm sorry. Do you need a kiss to make it better?" She said, trailing her fingers along my chest. I looked at her, disgusted.

"Uh...no thank yo-" I didn't finish my sentence because she had pressed her lips against mine. And not gently. I tried to push her away but she slapped my hands away and continued kissing me. Shit a girl is taking over me...damn I must need to go to the gym or something! She's one crazy chic!

I heard someone coughing down the hall and waved my arms frantically, silently asking for help.

"Oh! Ricky." I heard her angellic voice say. Sasha stopped sucking my face and turned around, hands on her hips.

"And just who do you think you are? Don't you have any manners? God." She flipped her hair.

I rolled my eyes. I mouthed "Thanks" to her and she smiled back. I ran over to her and hugged her, relieved that Sasha was off of me. Sasha gasped and rushed off down the hall. When she was out of sight I jumped up in victory.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you so much!" I know I really sound like a girl, but damn I was so glad. She just laughed.


"Because you distracted Sasha! She ambushed me on my way to class and when I tried to push her away she was too strong..." I blushed realizing what I just said. Suddenly she starting blushing. I laughed. Then I realized that I hadn;t been to class yet. Shit!

"Shit. I better get to class, really sorry you had to see that. Thanks for helping me out! I owe yah!" I winked and ran off down the hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2011 ⏰

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