Math Class, Past Memories, and a Lunch full of Disgust(Eric's P.O.V)

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Chapter 7

Eric's P.O.V.

After she walked out of the room with her brother I just kept watching her in awe. She has guts, is all I could think. I wish I could stand up to someone like that. I looked down at my schedule. Math. I groaned. As I silently made my way to math, I tried to avoid running into any of the jocks. Especially Sam. He's the jerk and man-whore of the school. Well, the male version. The female slut is Sarah. She'd probably be pretty underneath the cake-loads of make-up she wears, but we'll never find out. I sighed. I really wish I could find somebody whose right for me so I could finally let my gaurd down. I'm sick of pretending to be an ass. Being emo isn't really fake, but my attitude is. I wonder if Jesse could see through my act. Would she be someone I could trust? She's already showed she has confidence....i kept walking with my head held until I reached the class, room 305. I walked in and suveryed the class. Our class so far had Aiden, Craig, Jason, Kevin, Josh, Ricky, Jane, Blane, Lily, and Tiffany. I found an emtpy seat near a window and sat down. I stared out the window. At least then it'll look weird when I space out...I think. I thought about my mother, my father, my sibblings. But all I could feel was guilt. I feel like it's my fault. I should've died, not them! They never did anything, they didn't deserve it! On my 5th birthday...



"Honey! We're going to be late!" My mom yelled out to my father. My mother, my sister Anne, and my brother Steve we're waiting in the car. Today was my birthday and we were going out to a restaurant to celebrate. My father ran out of the house holding his umbrella, his hair soaked with water. My sister, brother and I laughed at his appearence. He smiled at us and got in the car.My mom started the car and we were off to the restaurant.

"Hey Eric! Look, I got you a present!" My little sister said to me, excitement in her eyes.

"Okay! Thanks Anne!" I smiled, thankful of her. I love my family. Just as Anne was about to hand me the present, the car started to swerve.

"MOM!!!!" The three of us yelled together.

"'ll be all right." My dad turned around to look at us and I saw a bright light. It wss coming closer, and closer, why wasn't it stopping? Something crashed into the car hard and the last thing I remember is my mom and dad screaming

"I LOVE YOU!" Before everything went black.



I stared at the rain evaporating from the window and sighed. After that, I woke up in the hospital. That was the least of my worries. I started yelling and freaking out. They told me my parents hadn't made it. I remember that feeling in my gut that made me feel like I had just lost everything. The reason I don't tell people is because I don't want their pity. I wouldn't lie about it, but I'm not going to blurt it out to get attention. I'm not going to mope around either, they wouldn't have wanted me to do that. The door opened and I snapped my head up. I wonder who else was in this class. In walked Jake, Jesse, and Aiden.

"Please take a seat Mr. Ryan and miss....?" Mr. C, the math teacher asked.

"Dante sir." He smiled.

"Well, Miss Dante and...Mr. Dante?," Jake nodded. "Please take a seat. There is a seat available next to Eric, Aiden, and Craig. Please choose one." Jesse looked around.I caught her looking at me. Oh god, please sit next to me! I thought over and over. Then again, I guess she made it pretty clear she dislikes me...and I"m sure she could make friends with anyone, so why would she choose me? I sighed. Jake sat down next to Craig and Jesse frowned, Was I really that bad? She looked back and forth between me and Aiden, before sitting down next to him. Damnit. "Today we are going to do a pre-test to see how much you remember. It is stuff that you have been learning since 7th, so I expect you not to fail." He said while he passed out a test. After 20 minutes, I had finished mine. Math isn't hard,but I don't usually get a 100. I normally get a 90 or a 95. About ten minutes later,      Mr. C stood up and said

"Okay class! Everyone has finished, and it is time for the results. For our first pre-test, we have gotten....two 100's! Congratulations Aiden and Jesse!" I looked at Jesse. She seemed shocked. She poked Aiden and whispered something to him, making him nod.

"Would you two please stand up for the class?" She looked down then sighed and stood up. Aiden stood up after her.  She stared at him, obviously shocked.

"Your Aiden...?" She questioned and he chuckled. Jesse blushed.

"Yep. And your Jesse." He smiled. The class applauded briefly and they were both told to sit.

"Okay, now your next assignment is to get to know your partner. You have until 10 minutes before the bell rings to find out 2 interesting facts about your partner. Starting now!" She turned towards Aiden smiling. I quickly turned away. No one was sitting next to me.... I felt so alone. I sighed, I guess today wasn't my day. Then again, that's what I get for pushign everyone away...but if I get too close to someone, how do I know they won't leave me? I continued to look out the window. After about ten minutes the bell rang. I rushed out of the classroom, but not before I noticed Jesse was still talking to Aiden. Of course, she's going to fall for Aiden! Not that he's a bad guy, he's nice unlike the other jocks who are douches. When I got to the Caf. I got in line. The choices for lunch today were....I skimmmed the list. I guess I'll take the cheeseburger. I grabbed it off the shelf and payed for it. I looked around the lunch room for my few, emphasis on FEW, friends. I saw Luke, Kat, and Jeremy. I sat down.

"Hey guys." they smiled and said hey back. "How's it goin'?"

"Good I guess." Luke muttered.

"You guess?"

"well, there's this girl, and I want to get to know her...but you know I doubt she'd even give me a second glance. I mean she's new and she's already sitting with the popular's." I looked over to the "popular" table. Jesse was walking over there with Aiden. She started talking with Ricky. I growled.

"Woah, dude, you okay?" I thought to myself, why should I be jealous? She doesn't like me! If anything, hates me!

"Oh, um yeah, sorry. Do you know her name? Maybe then i could help you."

"Jesse." I almost choked on my burger. He slapped my back. "What's wrong with you today?"

"Nothing, nothing. Sorry. Um by any chance, is it Jesse Dante?" I asked with little hope.

"Yeah! That's her!" He smiled. "She's not like most of the other girls around here. Not saying all the girls here are the same, but she's just different. She's pretty, but I don't think she realizes it. She didn't make fun of me, and she's nice. I just don't get why she's with the jocks...she could do much better." I clenched and unclenched my hands. Great, more competition! I am going to have no chance with her. Esecially if Luke likes her. He's a better person than I could ever wish to be.

"Yeah I Agree." I kept my words minimum so he wouldn't notice my change in mood.

"So can you help?" He asked, his eyes hopeul.

"I don't know," I said truthfully, "But I guess it wouldn't hurt to try?" I said uncertainly. He jumped up and hugged me.

"You're the best Eric! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!" I laughed, he was a good friend so I guess I owe him, even if it means hurting myself in the proccess.

"Here comes boobs with no brain...." Kat muttered. I heard the clicking of heels and Sasha came into view.

"Awwwww look how cute you two gay boys are!" She smirked.

"Fuck off." I said through my clenched teeth. Sasha was my ex, she used to be nice and friendly, but then when high school came aorund, she became an ass and started dating the ass of the school, Sam.

"Go find one of your boy toys." Kat said back to her.

"Oh, what a great idea! SAMMMMMMMMMMMMY!" She shreiked in the most annoying voice. Sam looked over to her. She waved him over and he made a disguted face. Yep, normal reaction.He slowly made his way over. Oh boy this can't be good. When he reached our table he looked at Sasha with lust in his eyes. I felt disguted. This was the girl I fell in love with? She smirked and pulled him to her. She started making out with him. Ew. all three of us groaned.

"can't you do that somewhere else? " Jeremy said, a pure look of disgust on his face. "I'm gonna lose my appetite."They ignored us and kept going at it. Are they serious? We all groaned in protest but looked down and continued to eat, ignoring them. This was going to be a long lunch....


Yeah well that's Eric----------------------->

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