Sammy, the Emo Boy, the other kid, and lunch

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Chapter 6

Jesse's P.O.V.

As we left the room I coudn't help but feel bad. I really shouldn't have hit him that hard...I must apologize later. I'm pretty sure I'm just about the last person hed like to see right now. I looked at my feet again and suddenly we stopped walking and Jakey was staring at me. When I didn't look up, he pulled my chin up so I was. I sighed."What?" I asked, wondering what he wanted.

"Are you really okay? I'm not going to push you into telling me what happened, but I do care about if your okay." I sighed again.

"Jakey, I'm fine. I don't feel like talking about it now, but maybe later. Thank you for looking out for me." I gave him a quick hug. He gave me a smile back at me sadly.

"Well that's good, now let's get to class we have..." He checked his schedule, "Math." He sounded disappointed. I laughed and pulled him along. When we reached the door. I turned the handle and it opened and I smashed into something hard. Once again, I fell backwards. "Why am I not surprised?" I muttered under my breath. I could hear Jake laughing and I sent him a glare. Please say it wasn't Sam again... I looked up and saw piercing brown eyes. He had mid-length brown hair that was swept to the side. His nose and lips fit perfectly witht he rets of his face. His lips...they were perfect. They were pinkish, but not to deep pink. I realized I was checking him out and looked down, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks. He laughed, what a perfect sound, and offered me his hand. I graciously accepted it.

"Uhh...I'm sorry!" I managed to say. He gave me a crooked smile.

"For what? I'm the one who should be apologize." His voice made me swoon. Wow. I didn't even know this guys name. I smiled at him.

"Hah, I guess your right, but thanks for helping me up." I realized he was still holding my hand and I quickly let go, another blush finding its way to my cheeks. He just laughed again. I sighed. Someone cleared their throat behind us and I forgot my brother had just witnessed another me-moment, I was never goning to live this one down. He smirked.

"C'mon let's go before we're late sis."  We all walked into the classroom. I quickly scanned the room. Shit, Sam AND Emo Boy were in this class. I mentally smacked my head. Of course they'd have ot be in this class... Sam smirked and Emo Boy looked out the window, what a shocker.

"Please take a seat Mr. Ryan and miss....?" He asked.

"Dante sir." He smiled.

"Well, Miss Dante and...Mr. Dante?," Jake nodded. "Please take a seat. There is a seat available next to Eric, Aiden, and Craig. Please choose one." I looked around. Hm. So Emo Boy's name is either Eric, Aiden, or Craig. Well I guess I can't sit next to him... Jake sat down next to a guy that wasn't Emo Boy. I frowned. Emo Boy or other kid. I'm going with other kid. I sat down. He had his hood on, but I could see it was the guy who opened the door on me, thank you very much. I turned my attention back to the teacher.

"Today we are going to do a pre-test to see how much you remember. It is stuff that you have been learning since 7th, so I expect you not to fail." He looked very serious as he passed out our tests. I skimmed through it. Hm not to hard...

About 30 minutes later, I passed mine in, hoping that I didn't fail. I sat back down next to the mystery guy. I'm dying to know what his name is... He's either Eric, Craig, or Aiden. Which means that Emo boy is among one of those names. I scanned the class. No one I knew was here except for Sam, Emo Boy(I really have to figure out his name 'cause I'm sick of calling him this), and my brother.

"Okay class! Everyone has finished, and it is time for the results." The results?! Uh-oh... "For our first pre-test, we have gotten....two 100's! Congratulations Aiden and Jesse!" Wait. Did he just just say Jesse? I poked mystery guy and whispered

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